ᴘᴀʀᴛ ꜰᴏᴜʀ: ᴛʜᴇ ʟᴏᴠᴇʀ

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[A/N]: This is pretty much the good ending that he and Lucy Gray initially deserved. Enjoy.

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If anyone had told Coriolanus Snow around one year ago that he would eventually abandon the ways of the Capitol to spend the rest of his life in the districts as a Peacekeeper, he would have laughed in their face. And yet there he was with you. His tribute. The love of his life.

You and Coriolanus have been officially together for six months now. He had ultimately made the decision to stay with you in your district and reject his offer to return to the Capitol. You were overjoyed that he chose you. It took some adjustments of course but eventually, Coriolanus was satisfied with this simple way of living. He was.... Truly happy. You even had your own place together now. Everything was so pleasant.

Coriolanus was seated on a stool near the stage in the bar where people would often perform or do stand up comedy. Tonight was special, though. He and your close friend had finally convinced (more like pure pressured) you into singing. You had a beautiful voice, Coriolanus took notice of that after hearing you a few times, but he knew that singing in front of people made you nervous. It was a big deal to him that you were finally going out of your comfort zone by agreeing to perform a special song tonight. He was excited when you told him it was a surprise.

He fidgeted in his seat from impatience. It was an understatement to say that he was just excited. Hell, he was beyond thrilled. 

And there you were, walking out on stage wearing a beautiful dress. He couldn't help but smile as you made your way towards the microphone, carrying your guitar. You gave him a small wave which he returned.

You took a deep breath before speaking into the mic. "How's everyone doing tonight?"

The crowd of people surrounding the stage cheered in response. This boosted your confidence slightly but you could still feel your nerves making your knees shake.

"This song is dedicated to someone special in my life. The person who saved me. The one I love most in this world," You say, maintaining eye contact with Coriolanus. "I wrote it myself."

Coriolanus felt his heart flutter. He knew you said that this song was special but he had no idea that is was specifically intended for him.

You lightly strummed the strings of the guitar and in an instant, everyone in the room became silent. You carefully played your guitar, ensuring that every note was correct. After a few moments, you began to sing.

Coriolanus was focused on you as your voice and the guitar strings created a melodic sound. You had fully captured not only his attention but everyone else's. His smile grew as he listened closely to the lyrics. He felt a sense of pride that he was the only person who understood the meaning behind your words. He knew it was about him. He was aware that there was a whole crowd you were singing for but it felt like it was just the two of you. In this moment you were singing your heart out for him.

"Now that's the type of woman I'd like to bring home."

Coriolanus snapped out of the trance you had him in and spun around. His eyebrows furrowed as he noticed a drunk man sitting behind him continuing to talk about you to his buddies.

Don't get him wrong, he was well aware that you were a beautiful young woman and people were bound to find you attractive. But something about the way this man was staring at you did not sit well with Coriolanus at all. He was eyeing you like you were a piece of meat.

Coriolanus attempted to brush it off, turning back around to listen to the rest of your beautiful song. He felt truly moved once you had finished the last strum of your guitar. He stood up and began to clap, smiling hard. Others joined in, cheering you on.

AS YOU ARE [Coriolanus Snow  x Reader] 🔞Where stories live. Discover now