Record Store

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Earbuds in, Cody hummed, walking around the mall. Looking around and spotting a record store. Bingo. Cody grinned, turning his music up as he walked into the store.

He walked around the store, looking for something in particular; The Smiths album, to be specific, The Queen Is Dead.

He smiled to himself, looking through the assortment of records. Finally finding the one he was looking for he went to grab it, his hand bumping into someone else's hand,, who was ALSO trying to get the album.

"Sorry." They said in unison, looking at each other. Cody laughed, looking at the boy in front of him. A well dressed guy, well I mean, a nerd-ily well dressed guy, wearing a white shirt and a green sweater vest.

He had shoulder length hair and his ears were covered in piercings, cool. Cody smiled to himself, looking away, taking the album and handing it to the boy.

"You can have it, I have tons at home." Cody said as he took out his earbuds. "You sure? I can always come back another day." Cody nodded hastily, shoving the record in the boys hands.

The guy raised an eyebrow at Cody, reluctantly holding onto the album and smiling. "Thanks, I guess. Whatcha listening to?" He asked.

Cody stared at him blankly, deep in thought. "Hello?" The boy raised an eyebrow at him once again. Cody snapped out of his trance. "Sorry! I'm listening to, uh, Unloveable. 2017 Master, I'm pretty sure." Cody smiled as the boy nodded.

"I love The Smiths." The boy grinned. Cody felt himself light up, "Really?" He smiled. The boy laughed with a nod. "Well yeah, I wouldn't be looking for this album if I weren't."

"You're right, sorry." Cody apologized, his face going red of embarrassment. The boy laughed and Cody continued talking, "And what's your name?" He smiled, leaning against the table with a grin.

"Noah. Yours?" Cody stumbled a bit, standing properly. "The name's Cody."

"Cody, cute name." The boy grinned. Cody blushed, nodding. "Yeah, whatever." Cody looked away for a moment, the silence eating him.

He looked back at Noah, who was simply staring at the album. "Say, you free today? You seem like a cool guy, we could go get lunch, get to know each other." Cody grinned with a shrug.

Noah raised an eyebrow, crossing his arms. "I've known you for about 10 minutes and you're asking me on a date?" He laughed.

Cody shrugged, "I mean I didn't say that.."

"Fine. I don't have anything else to do today, but you better have money." He joked. Cody nodded, pulling out his wallet and looking at how much he had. Cody grinned, shoving his wallet back in his pocket.


AUTHORS NOTE: a short one bc i felt like it 😵

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