A Poem To My Love.

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A Poem To My Love.
By Noah Sterecra

Writing used to be a hassle.
Meaningless words slowly forming on a page, neat cursive words overflowing the lines.

When I met you it changed.

Writing became apart of my daily life. I would write about you for hours on end.

Suddenly writing became easy, quick, a way to express myself, which I was never good at.

I could write words on a page without even thinking of a topic to write about, but you were always the topic.

I don't know why you made me like this. I don't know why I get all giddy when I see you.

One thing I do know is that you're special. Not in an offensive way.

You're special, you make me feel special, like a character in a movie, or better, a book.

A character that's just realized they're in love.

I can't say I haven't felt this before, the first time was with a girl. A girl I thought would be the love of my life.

Though, it's easy to quickly come to the wrong conclusion.

Not like I can say anything bad about her. One thing a can say, a gay guy and a girl, will never work out.

I think I always knew I was gay. You helped me realize.

You made me realize all sorts of things.

How to truly love,
That I am loved.

And that I'm in love with you, Cody.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2023 ⏰

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