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As I entered my room I saw my baby sleeping while pouting. How much I missed this I thought.
I kissed his forehead before going towards the balcony to call Dad.
"Hello"- Dad said
"Dad, have you arrived their yet."- I asked him.
"I will arrive their tomorrow evening. I got an urgent matter to deal with. Why what happened?"- he asked me sensing something wrong.
"Dad actually today Khun was attacked and......."- I explained him everything.
"I will look into this matter, you just take care of him for now. And about Theerapanyakul's safety I have already planned everything. For now tighten the security of your mansion and don't send anyone alone outside from the inner circle."- he told me.
"I will Dad but please just take care of everything their. I don't want Khun to feel guilty."- I said.
"I know Fluke what you are thinking but first we need to get evidence about everything for proving Kinn and Vegas innocence. And if we got that you guys won't have to hide anymore."- he told me.
"Dad as much as I know you, you already have planned everything."- I said knowing my Oldman well.
"You know me."- he said chuckling.
"Dad are you meeting him as well?"- I asked him.
"Hmm I will meet him day after tomorrow. Why are you missing him?"- he asked me.
"Offcourse Dad. I do miss my brother and also we haven't met in like the last 10 years."- I said.
"I know but now you can't meet him till you solve Khun's problem. Otherwise you know him how he is when it comes to his family."- he said.
"I know Dad but tell him that I miss my brother so much and I love him."- I told Dad.
"Ok I will tell him. Now go and take care of Khun."- he said before hanging up.

"It's been 10 years."- I said sighing.

"Fluke."- Khun called me.
"Khun, are you alright. Are you feeling any pain or are you feeling numb in your arm. Do you want me to call Gulf or do you--
He kissed making me shut and shocked at the same time. Before I could respond to him he broke the kiss and cupped my face.
"What happened why are looking shocked it's not the first time we kissed."- he said teasing me.
"Hmm... You are right that it's not our first time kissing each other but it is your first time kissing me so sudden. Also stop tucking at your lip otherwise I won't even wait for our wedding."- I said pulling him closer kissing his ear.
"Why are your cheeks tuning red baby I didn't even did anything and you are this red."- I asked him earning a slap from him.
"Aren't you been too much today Mr. Mafia."- he said glaring.
"You look cute when you are angry just like a kitten."- I said making him stomp my feet.
"Who is kitten here. I am not a kitten."- he said facing the wall.
"Baby"- I back hugged him.
"Yaa.... Leave me you pervert mafia otherwise---
"Otherwise what kitten."- I asked bitting his ear.
"Ouch... I am going to kill you Fluke leave me."- he said struggling to get out of my arms.
"What now I can't even pick you up."- I asked him placing him in the bed.
"Fluke I can myself get in the bed."- he told me.
"Keep quiet baby and stay there, you are not getting out of the bed and this is your punishment."- I told him getting up from the bed.
"I am getting our dinner here and you are going to eat whatever I am going to make you eat without any fuss. Am I clear."- I said
"I am asking you something ba--
"I love you."- he said out of nowhere.
"And yes I will eat whatever you want."- he said making me shocked.
"Babe did someone possessed you because my Khun will never listen to me in case of eating."- I asked him checking him out.
"Flukee"- he said in a warning tone.
"Just 5 mins baby. I will be back with our dinner."- I said before he could change his mind.

Author's POV

At Theerapanyakul Mansion

With Kinn and Porsche

"Po, have Pai taken his medicine."- Kinn asked
"Pete made him and he is sleeping with Ven today."- Po replied packing their bags.

"Love"- Kinn called him.
"Hmm.. what happened?"-  Po asked him looking at him.
"Come here."- Kinn said opening his arms and who is Porsche to say no to his baby.
"Kinn are you okay."- Po asked him as he got into his arms hugging him.
"I just want you to rest today and I will pack the remaining things. You are already stressed out about everything and now you need a very good night's sleep so do it and I won't hear any excuse this time."- Kinn said covering both of them with a duvet.
"Do I have any other option."- Po asked him looking at Kinn.
"No, you don't so now sleep before I make you stay in bed for the whole week."- Kinn said pecking his baby's lips.
"Kinn. Why are you so shameless. "- Po said slapping his chest making Kinn laugh.
"Now sleep baby we need to get up early"- Kinn said
"Can I trust you with the packing."- Po asked being doubtful.
"Yes, you can trust your husband"- Kinn said making Po sigh in defeat.
"Ok, I am trusting you this time but if you forget anything then you are going to sleep on the couch for whole month."- Po said making Kinn gulp.
"I will not do any mistake now sleep."- Kinn said closing Po's eyes with his hands and Pecking his forehead.

With Vegas and Pete

"Pete babe, how much time are you going to take."- Vegas asked for the nth time.
"Vegas, will you let me do it."- Pete said being annoyed.
"If you would have let me help you it would have been down by now."- Vegas said hugging Pete from behind.
"I can't trust you for this Vegas. I don't want to find guns and knives in our bags. So stop it and let me finish it."- Pete said making Vegas sit on the bed.
"Now keep you mouth shut if you don't want to sleep on the couch."- Pete said making Vegas shook his head.

With Kim and Chey

"Chey, have you kept my shorts."- Kim asked him.
"P'Kim I have kept everything so now switch off the lights and stop checking our bags. I am sleepy."- Chey said pouting.
"Okk baby love. Now sleep."- Kim said slipping into covers and hugging Chey before pecking his lips.

With Macau and Big

"Big, if you didn't stop kissing me I am going to kill you."- Macau said warning Big.
"Why are you so angry baby I have already done packing."- Big  said not knowing why his cute baby has turned into tiger today.
"You are asking me this. Big I am definitely killing you today."- Macau said
"But baby will you tell me what I did wrong."- Big asked being hella confused.
"Let me tell you Mr. Big if you tried to behave like a guard as Ven said you are dead."- Macau said clearing Big's confusion.
"So you was angry at this. I promise that I won't behave like a guard over there, I will enjoy with everyone else and will behave like a normal person. Ok, my love."- Big said pinching Cau's nose before pecking his lips.
"Ok, Mr. Idiot."- Macau said hugging Big and drifting off to deep slumber.

With Pol and Arm

"Arm, Arm."- Pol called his name but no response.
"Babe, are yo--
"This idiot husband of mine again slept while working"- Pol said shaking his head, picking him up and making Arm sleep on bed before removing his specs.
"Good night love"- he said pecking his forehead and slipping in cover beside his lovely but stubborn husband.

With Mix and Earth

"What are you thinking."- Earth asked Mix before pecking his cheek and back hugging him.
"Nothing just how everything changed in less than a week."- Mix said leaning his head over Earth's shoulder.
"You are thinking about Khun."- Earth said
"Not only about him, I am thinking about everyone else also. Everyone knows that no one will be able to find Khun if he doesn't want us to know about his whereabouts but still we all are searching for him at every place in Thailand."- Mix said
"I know but we can't just stay home and do nothing. Even Kinn and Vegas knows it very well but they still have a little hope that they are going to find him."- Earth said before picking Mix up.
"Now sleep we need to get up early tomorrow."- Earth said and they both slept on each others arms.

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