Chapter 4 - What did I do wrong?

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Cassie Huwit

The drive back from the hospital was filled with tense air. My pants are now being held down by dried blood, I think about being able to clock out and have a long bath to wash this day off of me.

"Where do you live?" I face Sam and tilt my head to the side in confusion.

"Aren't we going back to Palmer's?" I thought that was the plan, he was just to take me to the hospital and back, not hold my hand or touch me the way he did.

He looked shocked, almost annoyed.

"What do you mean take you back to Palmer's? You got hurt Cassie, you're going home" He said it so matter-of-factly.

I still have my stuff in my locker and I can't go home with out my keys. I repeated that to him and he just sighed.

He mumbled a quick 'fine' and drove us back to Palmer's.

He just watched me as I walked over to my locker, twisting it open, I pulled out my phone from my bag and noticed it was only 2.09pm.

Putting my phone back on the shelf of my locker, I headed into Vanessa's office to say I was ok and it just needed a couple stitches, she made me fill out an incident report about what happen - I left out the part where I was distracted by Sam.

"You can go home early Cassie." I thought about having a bath again but decided I only have two hours left of work and I really need the money.

"No it's ok I can keep working, only two hours left." Vanessa just smiled, gave me a thumbs up and went back to the phone.

I headed towards an untouched pallet when Sam intersected me.

"What are you doing Cassie?" God the way he says my name, so soft but stern at the same time, my stomach joins in with the butterflies. He keeps staring at me but now he's grinning ear to ear.

"I...uh...I'm working, what are you doing Sam?" I mocked him and he didn't look happy about it as his grin turned into a frown.

"No you're not, go home. You've got your stuff." I stand in shock, who does he think he is, just because I'm injured doesn't mean he can treat me like a child.

"No two hours left, so if you'll excuse me." I moved past him and he grabbed my arm, I just glared at him and he dropped it; I picked up a box and it plunged through my hands, my hand started throbbing again and Sam rushed over, worry evident in his brows.

"Fine if you want to stay, sit there." He pulls my hand until I'm above a small black crate.

For the last hour, Sam has made me sit on the crate and watch him cut open boxes and place them on the back of Luke and Michael's trolleys', meaning he's doing my work on top of his. I've tried to cut open a couple boxes, or push one onto the trolley, or even just stand up; and every time he tells me to stop.

"If I have to drive you to the hospital again because you can't listen, we're going to gave a problem Cas."

I gave up trying so now I'm just sat here watching his biceps move when he cuts into a box or how they tighten when he lifts them. I know he can see me staring but I don't care, if he won't let me work he has to put up with my eyes. All. Over. Him.

It didn't take long for 4.30pm to roll around. I tried to help Sam pack up but again he told me off for even thinking about doing anything. I grabbed my stuff from the lockers, said goodbye to everyone and left.

It being dead on 4.30pm, people started to get off work so the streets become a flood zone. I wanted to go for a longer walk again to stretch my legs after being forced to sit down for two hours, not even halfway through the trip, the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.

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