Late nights & Early mornings

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The alarm went off, meaning it was already 6 in the morning, and thus it was time for Bachira to wake up.

Not happy at all he tried, with his eyes still shut, to grab his phone and shut the alarm off. To no avail, at the peak of his frustration he opened his eyes up, grabbed it and shut the damn thing off.

After processing the trauma of waking up, Bachira slowly made his way out of bed, not minding at all the messy state his room was in. Clothes, shoes and anything really all over the place, in no order or tidy way whatsoever.

"Damn, mom would probably kill me if she saw this, im lucky I dont live with her anymore" He thought to himself as he took a look at his bedroom before getting out of it and heading to the bathroom.

Same routine as ever, shower, brush his teeth and make breakfast, brush his teeth again, then head to work. Perhaps the most important part of all of this was the first one: the shower.

Bachira loved his showers, always with cold water, never warm. He felt as if he only truly woke up after taking a colf shower.

After showering and brushing his teeth, he went back to his bedroom, chose his clothes for the day, not too classy but not too casual either.

However, he was met with a surprise as he made his way to the kitchen, noticing breakfast already made for him.

Confused by what he was seeing, he noticed a note left next to the kitchen table and quickly remembered what he'd lived last night.

"Oh so romantic aren't you? Making brekfast for... a one night stand. But oh well, i wouldnt even remember your name if you hadnt signed this note, a shame really."
He said ironically as he threw away the note, left by his 'date' if you could call it that.

"Besides, where the fuck do you need to go if youre leaving before 6 am?" He added to his previous statement.

He ate the meal, not quite fond of it but he wasn't gonna complain about food someone had made for him. Then took an Uber to work since he wasnt feeling like driving.

As he arrived, he took a not so long look at the entrance of the office. "This is hell on earth" he thought to himself before making his way inside the building.

Bachira greeted everyone, as he always does, although a bit too honest and not really that 'perfect' of a person, he still was a very outgoing and extroverted guy when he wanted to, and always cared about the people closest to him... and at least tried to look like he cared about the ones that weren't so close.

He made his way to his chair, turned the computer on bla bla bla, same routine as ever. But, something was different on that monday: a new employee.

Bachira always loved meeting new people, and a rookie meant exactly that. But at the same time, he was a bit skeptical, after all, a rookie could still be an asshole.

Meguru's boss gave him the news, new employee that came from overseas, new to town and fresh out of college. Bachira was in charge of showing him around the office and the city.

Of course, a task that BIG meant Bachira was only gonna work until 12 o clock that day, which he did not mind at all.

As the clock hit 12, Bachira got up and went home, grabbed some more stylish clothes, after all he wanted to make a good first impression on the rookie, got his car keys and drove to the office.

The boss introduced them quickly to each other, leaving them alone to themselves.

Bachira looked at the new employee and smiled, a pure, genuine and cute smile. He adjusted his hair in a even cuter way, sliding his finger through the side and extended his hand for the rookie to shake.

"Im Bachira Meguru, you must be Isagi Yoichi, right? Its a pleasure meeting you." He said in a calm and soft tone.

The rookie was noticeably taller than Bachira, more muscular, and was reaaally handsome. At least Meguru really was shocked by how cute Isagi was. And he also looked to be more introvereted, but also quite sociable.

"The pleasure is all mine, Mr Meguru." Isagi answered, in a professional tone.

"Oh no need for the Mr, im not 30, you know? Plus, dont be so professional, you can relax, im not your boss or something."

Bachira's outgoing, extroverted and sarcastic way gained a lot of smiles and laughs from Isagi, as they explored the town in Bachira's car. Both of them had a veeery good time.

At the end of the trip they stopped by a coffee shop, where Meguru insisted on paying for Isagi aswell.

They talked, got to know each other better, Meguru told Yoichi how he ended up working on that office, Isagi told Bachira what he studied at college and where he was from. And they were getting closer by the minute.

Bachira was starting to get really fond of this handsome rookie guy that had just popped up out of nowhere.

"So... have you found a place to stay yet?" Meguru asked, then took a sip of his coffe and put his hand below his cheek, in a cute manner as he looked into Isagi's eyes waiting for a response.

Isagi blushed due to the stare, took a sip and looked away then answered.

"Well... not really, i was gonna spend a few days on a hotel but, i dont know."

"You can spend a few days at my place until you settle down, if you want." Bachira said without thinking, then blushed a bit as he noticed what he'd just said.

"If you dont feel comfortable its oka-" He couldnt even finish his sentence as Isagi answered

"Sure! Can we pick up my things at the hotel? Its not far from here. And ill help with chores and everything you need at home!"

They got Isagi's things and went to Meguru's house, the unpacking took a while but wasnt that tiring, Bachira also found it kinda enjoyable, maybe because Isagi was a person that was nice to be around.

Thats when something struck Bachira: the state his room was in.

"Uh... you seem a bit tired, why dont you go take a bath? Ill make dinner for us soon" The shorter one said, which Isagi felt was a bit odd but didnt question.

As he heard the bathroom door close, Bachira started tidying his room up the fastest he could, he ended up doing a good job, the room was totally different and all tidy now.

Bachira went with what he said and quickly both of them were in the Kitchen, as Meguru cooked and Isagi just waited, and talked to him. Meguru insisted that Isagi didnt help, and that he had to cook for the new employee.

They jumped from topic to topic, arriving at football.

"Real Madrid? Oh im waaay more of a Barça fan, for rea-" Bachira stopped as he felt really hot water hit his wrist, an accident had just happened. "Fuck!" He yelled as he felt the pain, and to his surprise, Isagi was there in no time.

Yoichi gently but firmly held Megurus wrist, as he turned the sink on and put the shorter ones wrist beneath it, doing what he could do to help.

Worried, Isagi looked at Bachira, talking to him.

"Are you okay? Do you need to go to the hospital? Did you burn yourself anywhere else?" He asked, worried and really close to Bachira.

Although feeling quite a bit of pain, Bachira couldnt help but blush at how worried Isagi was.

"I-im fine sweetheart.." Was the only thing Bachira could utter as he felt his mind sink into a trance looking at Isagi.

He knew that surely he would end up falling for Yoichi.

//////This is the first fanfic i ever write so, im all ears for criticism and ideas! If anyone likes this first chapter ill surely write more! I hope everyone that is reading this has a wonderful day, and if youre having a bad day, dont worry! Everything will be fine!

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