Let me take care of you

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Bachira started to feel the pain was going away bit by bit, at least his wrist didn't hurt as sharp as it did a few minutes ago. However, he couldn't focus at all on himself and the state his wrist was in, mesmerized by Isagi.

All he could think about was how Yoichi was taking care of him, treating the wound and wrapping some bandages around it, firmly but gently at the same time.

"You should be more careful while cooking, you know?" the younger one said, as he finished wrapping the bandages. "What if the water was boiling? You could've ended up in the hospital" he added, not in a scolding tone, but genuinely worried, making Bachira blush and smile a bit.

"Thank you." Was the only thing Meguru could say after Yoichi finished treating his wound. "I can order something for us to eat, i'll pay" Bachira suggested, but Isagi quickly declined.

"I can cook, ill make us something, you'll like it." the taller one said, Bachira thought about declining but, didn't for some reason, he was getting comfortable around Isagi and wouldn't mind watching him cook a meal for them to eat.

Meguru started to look at Isagi's backside, first off by his back, and a few sudden thoughts began to pop up inside the shorter one's mind.

"I'd love to feel that back... i kinda wanna put my head against it and just relax, maybe i could do it now but... No, we're not that close..." Bachira thought to himself, before his imagination went wild, thinking about how he could be scratching that gorgeous back while Yoichi held him, or how he could sink his na....

"Bachira? Bachira? Are you there?" Meguru heard and 'woke up' from his trance.

"Oh, sorry i was just... im just a bit tired, what did you say?" he answered, waiting for the black-haired boy's answer.

"I was just asking if you have a cutting board by any chance"  Isagi uttered.

Bachira pointed to a cabinet, which Isagi quickly opened, and as he searched it he not only found the cutting board, but also a picture of what seemed to be a younger Meguru with a pride flag.

Isagi made a meal for two, which they ate while talking, the taller one told about the photo he had found, and also revealed his bisexuality to Meguru, which he had no problem with of course. Bachira quickly told the younger one the story behind that photo, and also about him being gay and how he found out in his teen years.

After both of them had finished their meal, Isagi insisted on washing all the dishes, but settled down for a 50/50 split between them due to Bachira's persistence.


Now with clean dishes and both of them having brushed their teeth, it was bed time.

Meguru was wearing football-themed pajamas, the top part was a bit big on him, while the lower was a bit tight due to his voluptuous legs and butt. While Isagi was wearing a big plain shirt and sweatpants.

"So uh... I dont have a spare matress for you to sleep in... maybe i should've said that before? But oh well uh... I think the bed is big enough for both of us and... if youre comfortable with it, i got no problem with us sleeping in the same bed..." Bachira was now blushing, realizing what he said could've been a bit too straightforward or... questionable at least.

"Sure, i got no problem with it" Isagi answered, with a smile, followed by getting onto the bed. The shorter boy followed quickly and soon both of them were next to each other, in bed.

Isagi was using his phone, with his back turned against Meguru, that his eyes closed and was preparing himself to sleep, even though he felt his heart beating quickly due to being so close to Yoichi.

Nonetheless, the shorter boy slowly fell asleep. Only to wake up in the middle of the night, agitated and scared due to a nightmare. The same nightmare he always has, reliving the day he was bullied at school when a group of boys found out about his sexuality.

Tears slowly started to slide down Meguru's cheeks, and his body began to shake a bit. By instinct he closed his eyes, trying to forget the nightmare and fall asleep again. But it was to no avail, he couldn't stop the tears nor the shaking.

"Are you okay, Bachira?" he heard, and opened his eyes, seeing a worried Isagi, really close.

He couldn't stop himself, and suddenly he moved close to Isagi's chest, still crying.

" I.. I.." Bachira tried to say something but just couldn't, as he kept crying.

"Sh... its okay, I'm here, everythings fine..." Meguru heard Isagi say, and got more comfortable, now putting his head on the taller boy's chest completely, the tears stained the shirt a bit, but Isagi didnt seem to care.

Yoichi put his arms around Meguru, with a warm and gentle hug, then started to caress his soft black and yellow hair.

"Let it all out... don't hold back, its okay." Yoichi said in a calm tone.

Meguru felt his heart race a bit, and suddenly felt really warm, and cuddled up next to Isagi. Feeling something he hadn't felt in years.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2023 ⏰

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