Chapter 9

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Sophie tossed and turned in bed.
She couldn't get to sleep.
Not without knowing Biana and the others were safe.
She'd tried transmitting, again and again, every Telepathy trick she knew of-only to be met with silence as quiet as her hope.
But as she assured herself that her friends were strong,and that they were with Mr. Fand let memories of the songs of the Panakes tree fill the air with soft, sleepy melodies, she couldn't help letting herself drift to sleep.
Ah, sweet sleep.
She dreamed of many things- so many of what she'd wanted, for so long, but seemed irrelevant to her now- even while she slept.She also thought of things that normally made her feel better, to stop herself from getting all philosophical-like mallowmelt, and pillow wars.
In the middle of a weird dream about butterblasts, clouds parted without them really being there,the smoky mist soothing Sophie's eyes.
And a woman's form came into view, rising like an angel above the clouds.
Elysian's hair was parted strangely, her rosy cheeks were pale, and the vividness of her bright green eyes had dimmed.
But it was still her looking back at Sophie.
That's me, she agreed.
"What are you doing?"
You surprised me. You came there to use the source for your friend, and there you are, with no power source.
Oh, it is fine. I do not like parting with my power. Especially not after...
Her jade green eyes dimmed further.
"Ethan and Eleanor?-oh, never mind," she said hastily, realizing she could have been more subtle.
Smooth move.
"It's okay," Elysian said gently. "It was,after all, my fault..."
And without warning, any sort of notice, Elysian's memories crashed into Sophie's mind, making the blizzard swirl and swirl until the clouds faded and a scene formed in her head.
A beautiful woman with dark red hair and jade eyes sat on a simple bed with a little girl in her lap.
Elysian seemed younger, somehow... not that it was easy to tell with elves, but her eyes weren't filled with as much wisdom as they were now.
She was wearing casual clothes- a large blue T shirt  and a silver chain with black jeans and sneakers. She looked cool, like the average human come to visit her friends or family.
Thing was... she wasn't normal.
Sophie glanced at the girl, who had ginger hair and bright green eyes,just like Elysian's. She wore a faded red sweater and blue jeans with Nike trainers-nothing too fancy, giving Sophie the implication she didn't have a lot of money.
She sometimes forgot it was a problem among humans.
Sophie let her thoughts fall silent as she  gazed at the memory.
"...and that was how we found the missing Lord," Elysian was saying.
Eleanor did love my stories, Elysian remembered fondly. Not that they were true, of course, but...
Sophie could see the warmth in that sentence- and it was from that that she could tell how much Elysian had loved...
She felt a sickening jolt. That's Eleanor Olivia Wright?
Oh, please. Don't pretend you hadn't guessed.
Sophie had, but...
Wait, she said, backtracking. You're a Telepath?
No, but I'm not here to share all my secrets.
Sophie focused on the memory as ten year old Eleanor said with a light British accent, "Really? Will King Kong find him in there?"
King Kong? Sophie asked.
Elysian let out a chuckle. Hamster that she loved. He was huge. She was inconsolable when he died. I told her this story to convince her it was fine.
Eleanor's eyes filled with tears. " Is King Kong with Mommy now?" she whispered.
"Eh, you'll see them at the end of the rainbow."
Elysian laughed again. I always told her that the dead went to the rainbow. She was obsessed with Rainbow Fairies, so she loved it.Sadness tinted the thought.
Sophie smiled, but it was bittersweet. She knew what it was like to lose someone you loved.
That was kinda random, but it sounded good.
Eleanor laughed as her dad entered the room.
Ethan was dressed quite casually as well, in shorts and a semi formal shirt.
He still looked kinda nerdy,though.
Ethan did give off that vibe, didn't he? Elysian said, and Sophie's cheeks burned as she remembered her thoughts weren't to herself right now.
" You should start a service," Ethan laughed. "' Keep Kids Entertained for Free.' You'll make some money."
" It's a free service," Elysian pointed out, though she was smiling. "I guess I'll try to be back sometime this week. I have to go."
" Aw, come on , Aeverie," Ethan whined.
Aeverie? Sophie asked.
You didn't think Elysian was my birth name? It was one of the names that I adapted. I won't tell you my birth name, but this was my guise with humans. One I didn't plan too well...
She trailed off. Keep watching.
"You can stay for a while!" He continued.
"No, I must go."
"Your siblings? I can relate, Matilde and I-"
"Trust you. I have to go."
Ethan pretended to be hurt. "You got tired of us that fast?"
Elysian-Aeverie- rolled her eyes. "You know what I mean.
Wait- back up. Did he say you have siblings? You never told any off us that.
I do, though they're not my birth siblings.
An image of two people standing together crossed Elysian's mind- a blond woman with clear, lake blue eyes, and a bright smile. There was a dark haired man with tousled hair, turquoise eyes, and a lopsided, trouble maker's grin- which Sophie was pretty sure she could identify, having been around Keefe for so long.Sophie could feel the warmth of love tinting the fringes of the memory, telling her they were another set of people Elysian loved.
I'm assuming you won't tell me their names? She asked.
Oh, don't be so judgy. I'm sure there are more things YOU haven't told ME.
Sophie got the impression of playfulness in her voice.
She hoped she didn't mean her organization... there were so many puzzle pieces she hadn't put together yet. She really didn't mean to keep so many secrets. She needed to figure stuff out herself before worrying anybody. 

Yes, I mean just that, Elysian clarified.

Darn.She'd forgotten that Elysian could hear her- but there were more pressing things right now.

Sophie ordered her eyes to focus on the memory so she didn't need to hear what Elysian would say next.
"Come on, Eleanor," Ethan said, and the girl obediently ran toward her father.
She had the brightest smile on her face, and Sophie's heart ached as she realised she was watching the memory Eleanor died in.
"Com on, Daddy, let's go," Eleanor whined. "I ran out of books!"
Ethan smiled at his daughter as Elysian stood. "I'd better go," she said again. "Merle's very particular."
My sister, Elysian thought.
Ethan sighed. "I better not argue, or we'll all be late. Eleanor's session starts in a while. Oh, and... I'll call you about the letter."
He bit his lip, looking troubled. Eleanor watched them with curious green eyes.
Sophie, meanwhile, felt her heart slam into her throat. Keefe's mom's letter?
Yes, Elysian admitted. More about that later.
Sophie turned to the memory (is that line getting repetitive?)for what felt like the fiftieth time to watch them walk out.
And it actually feels like the fiftieth time I've wrote it.probably feels like the fiftieth time you've read it too 😂
Elysian hugged both of them goodbye as they turned to head their separate ways.
And the memory blurred forth...
Elysian had returned to her place of living, with thoughts of her siblings.
Not sure that counts as a rhyme... if it does, I'm sorry 😢
She'd just returned to London using light from the area's burning sun, right out of the public library... when she spotted Ethan and Eleanor.
"...and then we read about the sports fairy, and Aeverie says there are fairies!"
Ethan was listening to his daughter's rambling with an affectionate smile on his face.
That was when Elysian saw her.
Hair scrunched into a painful bun.
Icy eyes cold and indifferent.
Lady Gisela.
She stood, staring at a bus just about to stop, and Elysian could tell she was rallying her energy, but then she'd already pushed it forward, and..
"No!" The memory Elysian cried. "NO!"
She rushed forward, but it was too late, and the bus driver's brakes jolted with Sophie's heart as she shut her eyes. When she peeked, she saw Elysian leaving in a hurry with the fading forms of two limp bodies and a tear stained face...
But it was too late.
Gisela had seen her.
Or, at least, seen her heartbroken green eyes as she glittered away in a shower of wind, not light.
Sophie felt tears stain her face as the memory faded away.
The real Elysian's eyes had filled with a sparkling pool of tears as well.
That's-awful.I'm sorry, Sophie said.
She honestly didn't know what else to say.
But Elysian didn't seem to care as she wiped her eyes.
"I had decided," she said, with determination in her eyes, "from that day, I'd never let anyone touch anyone I cared about again. And... I doubt you know this, Sophie, and whether anyone tells you this enough,but in the short time I've known you, you are definitely someone worth caring about. And so are your friends. So, I'll visit you here often- not to take sides, but to discuss... things. And, I assure you, I will do everything in my power to make the third step of Stellarlune help your friend. I can't promise to take the monster down, but... I can promise to help the innocent."
Sophie wasn't quite sure what to say to that little speech- but she didn't have to say anything, as Elysian's beautiful form was already fading in the clouds.
"Farewell,Sophie," she whispered. "I'll see you in a while."
They weren't transmissions, they were voices, but Sophie didn't feel like waking.
She groaned as her memories from the night flooded back into her head,jolting up.
"Elysian! The memory! I-"
She stopped herself as she saw who all were staring at her.
Mr. Forkle.
"Ugh, why doesn't anyone give me at least a five second notice to change?" She grumbled.
Mr Forkle's lips twitched. "We've had a breakthrough-"
"So have I!"
"-and we'd like to share it."
Sophie bolted up further. "Wait, did you find something?"
"Not something," Biana corrected. "Someone."
"Yeah- don't tell me I have to remind you  not to call me a thing, Blondie. It's bad enough your sister did it."
Sophie gasped.
She knew that voice.
And only one person called her Blondie-despite the fact that there were other blondes in the world.
But before Sophie's mind could go further down that track, a female ogre emerged- midnight pigtails, gray eyes and all.
A/N: 'Aeverie' means 'elf counsel,' and is a name, so it seemed like a nice Easter egg.
Also- You're probably wondering why I left you hanging:
1. I am evil.
2. It's KOTLC!
3. I PROMISE I'LL WRITE CHAPTER 10 SUPER FAST! Just was good to end it there.
Okay, I really have to go now, so Byee!

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