MW3 if it was good

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A loud crack of thunder rolled across the sky, rain pounding down like bullets along the shoulders of the men in the dark of the night below. There stood Phillip Graves, gay whoring southern twink, face to face with big Alpha booba Captain John Price.

Graves was accompanied by his sluts- I mean shadows, standing to his side. Their eyes firmly on his luscious scrumptious, fat ass.

Price was with big alpha daddy Simon "Ghost" Riley, and his gay boyfriend twink omega Soap. Gaz too.

"P-p-p-p-p-price-Chan!!!!!!" Graves whimpered, shaking a bit. Both from fear, adrenaline, and the rain. "I didn't want to hurt your fags!! I was just following orders!"

"Shut the fuck up, gay ass twink." Price snarled in a low rumble, crackling his knuckles.

"Y-y-you're the puppy!!!" Graves randomly said, no one understood his weird dialect other than Price. He could speak yapanese. "That wasn't very Ohio sigma level 10 gyat rizz of you!!!!"

"It was Shepherd who told me to do it! Honest!!"

"You suckin' humpty dumpty's dick???" Price gasped, staring at the whore in front of him in shock.

"No! I'm a cock whore but I'm not THAT desperate!" He pleads, pissing himself. Metaphorically thankfully.

"Good. If I found out MY omega was gobbling on that bald ass dinosaur's cock like it was a thanksgiving turkey I'd breed you right in front of everyone to prove you are MINEEEE." Price roared. Gaz fucking disintegrates into the rain in the process.

"Oh p-pookie wookie snookie Bear you really mean that?!" Graves whines, shaking his ass like it were a tail.

"Yes, omega. Come here." Price demands and points to the ground in front of them. Graves rushes up to them and throws his arms around Price's big ol juicy muscular beef cake body. Nuzzling his face into Price's moob. "Thanks zaddy!!!"

"No problem baby boy." Price purrs, groping Graves' big prominent juicy ass.

They then leaned into a kiss and made out for 38488384 hours, Price got Graves pregnant and they had 9999828722738348838483948383 wolf pups, and they got married.

The end.

Captain John Price x Phillip Graves (crackfic)Where stories live. Discover now