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Hazelle comprehends that altering Law's mindset is an unattainable endeavour, for this conversation has arisen multiple times before. He exhibits an unwavering determination, mirroring her own tenacity, yet Hazelle, despite the melancholy it engenders, remains devoid of any affection towards him. She shall persist in her quest to discover her soulmate until her very last breath. She halts amidst an almost desolate neighborhood, treading a barricaded path towards the edifice she had intended to visit the day prior. A sense of vacancy permeates her thoughts, leaving her with naught but the unwavering pursuit of her objective. Absorbing the wisdom from medical discourses and heeding the counsel of physicians, Hazelle understands that to encounter her soulmate, she must rouse her emotions and sentiments. A fleeting moment is sufficient for her soulmate to perceive the presence of Hazelle, offering a fleeting closeness. Consequently, her soulmate shall mend her psychopathy, as it possesses a miraculous remedy. But each time it ended in disappointment. 

Ascending to the rooftop of the building, Hazelle displaces the broken, burdensome door to venture outside. This particular vantage point often allures individuals mired in diverse troubles, yearning for respite from their burdens. For some inexplicable reason, Hazelle finds the concept of desperation and individuals seeking refuge from accountability mildly amusing. A sense of grandeur and dominion courses through her veins as she envisions those individuals supplicating at her feet. It incites a desire to indulge in laughter, to revel in heightened sensations and the control she exerts over others and their lives. At times, Hazelle harbours a longing for the affliction of others, in hopes of satiating her own appetite. Perhaps this would elicit a semblance of yearning within her, despite its ludicrous nature.

With measured strides, Hazelle advances towards the rooftop's edge. Having shed her shoes and winter jacket, before her stands a girl, resolute in her intent to end her own life. This forsaken structure is slated for demolition precisely due to its allure for troubled teenagers. Assuming the role of an observer, Hazelle engages the individual in conversation before bidding them farewell, permitting their self-inflicted demise without remorse. Once a person has resolved their fate, interference becomes unwarranted. It brings up some emotions and Haze thinks that it's a good practice, too,  if she wants to give a signal to her soulmate.
As she perches on the precipice, Hazelle instinctively reaches into her pocket for a cigarette, only to recall that Law, concerned for her well-being, had confiscated her pack. He perpetually tends to her health, yet fails to consider his own. Hazelle reminisces with a smirk, and to a certain extent, regrets the distress she inflicted upon him with her words. A thought flashed through her mind, wondering what he's doing now.

The young woman gazes at Hazelle, observing her every move. No words escape her lips, and there seems to be no intention to speak. Hazelle, in her characteristic apathy, couldn't care less. She has simply come to savor the view before her.
"What brings you here, miss?" the girl inquires.

Hazelle takes a seat, leaning against the chilling concrete. Adjusting her black, leather coat, she disregards the question, as if determined to carry on with her own affairs. The brunette, with her beautiful wavy hair, stands frozen as if the presence of an outsider has disrupted her every resolve, obliterating any sense of purpose. The dizzying height of the rooftop begins to shake her legs, and the notion of jumping becomes terrifying.
"Please, just leave," she insists.
Hazelle turns her gaze towards the girl and responds in a monotone voice, "I won't hinder you."
"But I don't want you to witness this. Furthermore, I have painstakingly reached this decision after much contemplation," the girl confides.
A smirk forms on Hazelle's lips as she dryly retorts, "And who says I would stop you?"
"Are you not?" the girl wonders, trying her best not to reveal her vulnerability.
Hazelle merely shakes her head in response.
"And why not, then?"
"If you wish, I can assist you in finding your determination," Hazelle suggests.

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