Chapter Five

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Louis's POV

As soon as the door click shuts, I grabbed her wrist violently just in case she thought she could get away. 

"You don't have to hold onto me. Before you say anything, I want to tell you that he kissed me, I don't have feelings for him, and he-", she tries to explain, but I interrupt her mid-sentence.

"I don't want to here any excuses. He kissed you and you kissed back.  You cannot date a human, especially not one of my mates! You are too young and irresponsible! I can't believe you made such a stupid mistake!", I half yell at Liliana. I can't seem to grasp my anger and my eyes start to turn red. 

"You can't control me. I am a teenager not a child! Don't you dare blame me for this. He kissed me and I cannot control his actions!" Her eyes are now fully red with a slight glow and her anger level seems to be rising by the minute.

"I am not talking down to you! I am being the best big brother I can be. I can't control Zayn's actions, but I can help you keep your actions in line! Just don't be a stupid, little brat!", I yell even though my mind is telling me not to.

"I am not being a brat! I am embracing human culture! How about you keep your actions in line by not trying to replace mom or dad!" She backfires with, but looks guilty after saying such a ignorant thing.

I try to spit something sarcastic or accusing back at Liliana, but my brain keeps replaying the simple, yet painful phrase. How dare she accuse me of trying to replace mom. I would never do such a cruel thing. After a few minutes of silence, I decide to go to my room and not further this argument. 

As I walk around her to the staircase, she attempts to apologize to me, but I ignore her and make my way up the stairs and to my room. I lock the door and collapse on my bed with only one intention to think.

Liliana's POV  

I walk in a daze to the living room couch. I cannot believe that I said that to Louis. I was furious with him, but I didn't mean what I said. My word filter powered down and it slipped out. I sit there for about five minutes until I decide to change and wait for Louis to think about everything that happened. I get in my room and change into a comfy jumper, a pair of Louis's sweatpants that I stole a while back, and some fuzzy socks. I make my way downstairs and grab a blood tablet from the kitchen. Once I mix it into a cup of water, I sit down on the couch and turn on the television. I don't bother changing the channel and watch whatever show is on. I don't pay much attention to the show that is on because my thoughts will not stop flooding in my mind. I am guessing that my thoughts won't stop until I properly make up with my brother. 

The doorbell ringing interrupts the depressing train of thoughts, which I am thankful for. I lazily walk to the door after putting the blood water mixture down. As soon as the door swings open, my jaw drops. I thought it would be a door-to-door salesman or something, but I see Zayn, Liam, Harry, and Niall standing in front of me. 

"Hey!", Niall, Harry, and Liam say simultaneously while Zayn stands there quietly and looks at the ground.

"Hi! I don't want to be rude, but what in the world are you guys doing at my house?", I say with fake enthusiasm. Louis always kept his close mates away from the house because he didn't have the desire to worry about them finding anything out of the ordinary, which would be hard to find. We have anything and everything that would stand out in a locked room upstairs, except my blood tablets.

"Oh, Louis didn't tell you that he invited us over to see your guys house, but he failed to mention that you guys live in a huge mansion in a rich neighborhood!", Niall says like a little kid at Christmas, which I can't help but smile at his overwhelming joy.

"Oh okay. Well, come on in then and I will go get Louis real fast. Also, don't get lost in here while I am gone.", I respond, they walk in and are taken aback by the sheer size of the room.

I jog to Louis's room and knock on the door lightly. I don't hear anything, so I jiggle the handle to find that it is locked and grab the key to unlock his room. I walk in to see my brother staring at the ceiling and fiddling with his fingers. I shake him out of his daze and he glares at me. 

"We will have to sort this whole thing out later because your mates are here to hang out. Why didn't you tell me about this arrangement earlier?", I say in a fast pace. 

His face softens a little bit and he replies,"Oops! I totally forgot about it."

"They are waiting downstairs, so we should hurry up.", I explain as I get up to leave. I reach the door and Louis grasps my wrist lightly to stop me.

"I am sorry for yelling at you. I just wanted to warn you about dating a human and I got angry. I wasn't trying to replace mom or dad at all. Please forgive me.", Louis apologizes while looking guilty and slightly disappointed with himself.

I reply,"You don't need to apologize to me. You were just being an amazing older brother and I was being a snotty teenager. I am sorry about accusing you of replacing mom. I was just frustrated and tired. I hope you can forgive me."

"Of course I can forgive you.", Louis replies and we hug each other briefly. We start to make our way down the steps and he comments,"I guess human high schools can change a vampire."

We both burst out laughing and continue to walk to the front room. Once we are there, our laughter starts to calm until I slip on the hardwood floor and everyone, except Zayn, crack up. 

I stand up as the laughing fest calms down and Louis says warmly,"Welcome to my humble abode."

"You didn't mention that you lived in a humongous mansion.", Harry says with surprise.

"Oh yeah. Well, now you know," Louis replies with a wide grin,"and Liliana and I can give you guys a tour around the house."

"Let's go then!", Niall replies with obvious excitement.


I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. I will be coming out with another chapter of this and a new chapter of Flames of a Secret a little later today as well, so look out for that. Also, please comment and vote on this when you read it because it feels like no one reads my stories anymore. I put a lot of time and effort into this and I just want to know that you guys are actually reading this story and my other story, so please give me some feedback and vote. Bye, my beautiful pancakes. :)


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