Chapter 2: The Awaking

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Leon the next few months ate all of his food outside, he became close friends with the maids and started to go to public school. As he looked around he saw that there we no Dragon Anthros like him. Everyone was actually human they started to bully him pulling on his wings, and pouring milk on his horns. Every time he came home his father would kick him to the side and the Maids would clean him up. Their names were, Hanna, Monica, and Jessica.

"Thanks Hanna, they did it in front of the teacher this time and he didn't help." Leon said tears coming to his eye, "I can't take it any more, I wanna go back to you teaching me."

"I'm sorry Leon, we can't without your father punishing us." Hanna said sadly.

"Yeah, I wish we could as well." Jessica said.

"Hey let's not think about that, Lets get you cleaned up and help you train for your test." Monica said lightly.

"Thanks, why am I dragon and Raven a kitsune." Leon asked.

"You have a different mother than her, you were just raised by Miss Sophia. You and Raven still have the same father which I wish that bitch to die, but he gives us a home." Monica said, 

"Then is my mother alive." Leon asked tilting his head to the point his little dragon ears flopped to one side.

"No... She died right after giving birth to you because Faro didn't like the fact you were born more of her side. He said he will kill you when you come of age." Jessica said sadly, giving Leon a tight hug.

"So my mother was a dragon Antrho or a full dragon." Leon asked playing with his own tail.

"Your mother was the largest, kindest, most caring full blood dragon of all. She was raped by Faro, but she kept you because she always wanted kids and she knew you would be her one and only." Monica told Leon softly, sewing up the cut in her arm. Leon would wince every time she touched it, but he kept still and Monica closed it.

"So I am Half dragon half what ever Faro is." Leon asked.

"Yeah, your Half dragon, part Demon, part Wolf." Hanna said using a rag to clean of his head, as she did this she would blush as Leon's tail would wrap around her leg as his tail slowly waged, bit she didn't say anything, she was the youngest of the maids, and around Leon's age, and she kinda liked him even though she was a maid, and he was her boss' child.

"That's cool," He would say with stars in his eyes, and he would turn around and face Hanna his snout touching her tits. He would back up a little. "Sorry Hanna didn't mean to I forget about my snout a lot." His face would be a little more red. He would look in a mirror after he was cleaned up, and his black scales were shining, and his dark grey horns looked sharp enough to pierce steal, his suit was cleaned and there were no stains, and his eyes glowed a bright yellow. His eyes were special because they glowed different colors depending on his emotion.

"You look amazing." Hanna said getting down to her knees fixing his shirt. Leon would blush with how close she was to him, and he would look away from Hanna. "There you go, your shirt was not tucked in." She got up her hand touching his side and he would yipe. "Sorry I didn't mean to."

"It's okay, it happens." He said blushing bright red, his eyes turning pink. Hanna would look into his eyes, and she would lean in and kiss him.

Thank you for reading Chapters 1 and 2 of Marimaru, if you likes it, please vote and follow me for more!

This Chapter is dedicated to a friend from years ago when this universe was first created 12 years ago, Hanna and Leon were always supposed to get together.

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