My worst panic attack

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It was recently I was is school and I had already checked all campus and my classes for my coumputer and I couldn't find it and my parents were gonna kill me plus here I had all my passwords and essays and classwork so I came back to were my friends were and sat down they were  all eating and I started having trouble breathing and collapsed to the ground not being able to breath and curled up in to a ball my friends noticed what happen and kneeled down beside me my friend who i'll just call Mira grabbed my hand and started squsihing so tight that is started hurting and she then started screaming at me to look at her I stared feeling as if I was gonna die as if I was drowning like this were my last minutes alive as I yearned for air I could feel myself shaking and my whole entire body  went completely numb and with out realizing it I was crying I only noticed when I felt something wet go down my face the rest of the people noticed and gather around me.Mira was still squishing my hand which inly made things worse an one of my other friends told her"STOP THAT IT ISN'T HELPING"she did and went to get someone while my other friend who I will call Ana was beside me holding my hand trying to calm me down many people around me started freaking out asking"whats happening?" or"WHAT THE HELL?"if they tough I couldn't hear them they thought wrong I could also hear my breathing it sounded as if I was choking I wanted to die it all started to feel like a dream or a hallucination I was honestly about to faint from the lack of oxygen I just wanted to disapear a teacher then came running along with Mira and I couldn't move she then with the help of Ana and Mira lifted me up and took me to the counslers office where I stayed till I calmed down.I felt so embaressed and bad because I probably scared my friends to death I was still shaking and it took some time for everything to stop becoming numb a teacher then went to find my backpack and it turns out my computer was in the classroom of one of my teacher who had it in his drawer for safe keeping I was very relived and well that was the story of my worst panic attack.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2023 ⏰

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