MHA Something Good And Something Dark

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Narrator: For quite sometime now everything in My hero academia has been going rather impressively well. Most villains have returned to being with their families with the heroes, and others were able to join mha due to their situations. The civillians were not happy whatsoever with this but with time the world seemed at peace and the civillians understood that they could not always judge a book by its cover this story takes place within the academy of my hero. It was morning and the birds were chearping and singing Tsuyu wakes up and yawns she was extremely tired from having to work a lot last night with her little siblings and helping them control their quirks more. Tsuyu looks around in the other beds and she sees that Toga, Mina, and Ochako are all still sleep. She smiles at her sleeping friends, but then she looks at Toga. Toga seems to be having a bad dream and Asui quickly rushes to her aid.
Asui: Toga?! Toga?!
Narrator: Toga jumps up and is sweating a little bit.
Asui: Toga are you ok?
Toga: ..... Yeah I'm fine I just had a bad dream. *she says while covering her head*.
Froppy: Do you want to talk about it?
Narrator: Toga hesistates before she nods her head saying yes.
Toga: I had a dream where.... where.... me and the league of villains were back together and the world was destroyed and I stood there scared and when I looked down all I saw was you, Ochako, Mina, and..... Izuku.
Narrator: Froppy looks sad and paralyzed at the same time she sees tears coming down Toga's eyes and she holds Toga closely
Toga: I was so sad and scared I had went to pick you guys up but Toya had burned you guys right in front of me. My eyes widened and the tears came spilling and Shigaraki was there everyone was there and I grabbed my knife and I ran towards Toya and he smiled and charged at me with his fire burning and then I woke up.
Narrato: Froppy looked in horror and sadness when Toga was explaining this. She had a look of deep concerns and deep sympathy. Froppy held onto Toga longer and Toga cried harder which ended up waking up Ochako and Mina, seeing their friend crying they rushed to her aid just like Asui did.
Ochako and Mina: What happened?!
Narrator: Toga and Tsu exchanged smiles and Toga explained the dream again. after another 9 minutes Uraraka and Mina held onto Toga with deep sadness for their friend.
Ochako: Don't worry Himiko we are here
Mina: We always will be girl.
Toga: Thank you girls.
Narrator: After this everyone was going to go back to sleep before Toga said.
Toga: H-hey girls?
Tsu: Yeah Toga?
Toga: This is really weird but can you guys sleep with me?
Narrator: The three girls looked at one another and then smiled. Of course they all said. Toga smiled and she made room for her three friends to get onto the bed with her for and they all went back to sleep. Morning time comes around and Tsu little siblings Samidare and her little sister Satsuki walk in and see the four girls awake and playing with each other's hair.
Samidare: Hey girls.
Narrator: All four of them look at him Tsu gets upset.
Tsu: What have I told you about knocking?!
Toga: Hey hey Tsu no relax.
Samidare: I-I'm sorry big sis I didn't mean to be rude but I was letting you know that me and Satsuki got invited to the arena.
Narrator: Samidare walks up to them with their permission and hands them a paper. It reads. "Dear Samidare and Satsuki you both have shown great promise with your quirks and your guy's battle strategies are like your sister's we would love for you guys to join us tonight for our 2 on 2 tournament with you and your other friends to determine who will be the next top 2 heros!! Tsu cries and then holds her little siblings which happily take their older sister's embrace.
Tsu: I'm so proud of both of you
Samidare and Satsuki: Thanks sis.
Narrator: Hours later everyone is on the bus to go support the two young heros.
Jiro: It's really nice that they are allowing us to come see them preform too!
Mina: Yeah that's true but All Might was the one who sent them the letter so I'm sure he was going to do something for us too.
Tsu: Yeah but remember last time All might tried that we almost got him fired.
Toga: Well it wasn't really our fault the other people there didn't really explain everything clearly.
Uraraka: That's true but now it's a good thing that we got all of the information clearly so there won't be any problems.
Bakugo: Can you ladies keep it down back there?
Mina: Wow bakugo actually asking us nicely?
Todoroki: Bakugo please shut up.
Kiroshima: Bakugo Kaminari is tired and doesn't need your yelling please lower your tone.
Bakugo: Right sorry.
Tokoyami: Dark shadow was getting irritated with you too Bakugo.
Kiroshima: Please don't test him Tomoyami.
Tokoyami: Just saying.
Toga: Has anyone heard back from Izuku?
Narrator: Everyone goes silent everyone also knows that Ochako,Toga,Tsu, and Mina all care deeply for Izuku.
Kiroshima: Sadly no i'm sorry Toga.
Toga: Oh my god! How much longer will he be gone?!
Tokoyami: We don't know but trust me we have been trying to get ahold of him he hasn't been answering but we've been telling All might to check his energy and make sure he's still alive which he is.
Ochako: But it's not like him to be gone for this long.
Mina: 6 months is a long time even for someone like Deku.
Tsu: Ribbit ribbit I just hope he's okay.
Bakugo: We know how deeply the four of you care about him we know and respect it, and we are trying our best.
Toga,Ochako,Tsu and Mina: Thank you.
Momo: Say where's Mineta?
Todorki: He should already be there if I'm not mistaken.
Momo: Now why would he already be there?
Todoroki: Hehe my dad wanted to teach him how to respect women.
Tsu: Thank you jesus finally someone putting him straight.
Narrator: Everyone laughs. 2 hours later the group arrives at the stadium and when they all get there they all look in shock.
Ochako: Wow this place is huge!
Toga: Got that right!
Hey everyone!
Everyone: All Might!!
All might: Yup it's me.
Eraser head: Glad to see you all again.
Tsu: It's good to see you again too Akiwazawa.
Eraser head: You guys look the same.
Mina: Well it has only been 6 months.
All might: Trust me for people like us 6 months feel like a lifetime. Well without further ado let's get you guys inside.
Narrator: All might and Eraser head walk all of their former hero students inside of the stadium and once inside they get all of them some food and then accompany them to their seats.
Toga: Wow I've never been places like this before!
Ochako: Well I'm glad your first time is with us.
Toga: Me too Ochako.
Narrator: The two smile at one another.
Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen welcome back to another hero tournament!! Everyone:YEAH!!!!! WOO WOO
Announcer: Today we will be doing a 2 on 2 tournament to determine who will be next top 2 heroes!!!!
Everyone: YEAH!!!!!!
Announcer: Now for the first round of the tournament the first 4 contenders are Samidare Asui and Satsuki Asui!!!!!
Tsu and everyone else: YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!
Announcer: Going up against Shara and Kallisto!!!!
Narrator:Samidare and Satsuki leap out swinging from their tounges then landing on the ground beneath them. Shara and Kallisto have the power of telekinesis they stare at the ofher young sibling duo and the charge Samidare using his tongue grabs onto Kallisto and throws him into a wall Satsuki using her legs kicks Shara into the same wall Kallisto got thrown into eveyone is screaming for the duo happily but Kallisto using his quirk grabs a bunch of rocks and hurls them at the duo Samidare and Satsuki dodge before Shara hits Samidare with a huge chunk of debris which came from the wall and it sends him flying Satsuki cries out for her brother but then gets grabbed by Kallisto and is thrown towards the ground. Tsu looks in terror for her little siblings Toga Ochako and Mina all reassure her that everything will be ok. Samidare and Satsuki shoot back up into the sky and grab the other sibling duo and throw them down with their tongues Shara and Kallisto cry out in pain. Everyone cheers for the duo again and as a combined effort Samidare and Satsuki kick Kallisto and Shara out of the arena. KALLISTO AND SHARA CAN NO LONGER FIGHT DUE TO BEING KICKED OUT OF THE ARENA SAMIDARE AND SATSUKI ARE THE WINNERS!!!!! YEAH!!!!!! Tsu breathes a sigh of relief.
Toga: Told you they would be ok.
Tsu: I know I know you guys were right.
Narrator: The announcer announces the next two teams fighting But All might walks away and Eraser head follows.
Eraser head: What's wrong?
All Might: I'm sensing the kid.
Eraser head: You've been doing that far too many times.
All might: I need to make sure he is ok.
Eraser: I understand that but he's completely away from us.
All might: I don't care he shouldn't be out for that long on his own.
Eraser: Look I understand your concern for Deku but he's the one that chose to leave.
Narrator: All Might snapped and closed the distance between him and eraser.
All might: You don't know what the kid was going through during the time so don't act like he just left just to leave. Understand?
Narrator: Eraser stood there paralyzed All might had shifted back into his buffer form just to say that. He hadn't seen All Might in that condition before. Time skip back to the tournament every other team has been eliminated except for Samidare and Satsuki and one other final duo sibling team. The other team came out and stared at the frog sibling duo. With one swift motion they showed off their quirk and it was to use fire, Tsu and her siblings turned pale. Fire?! Tsu said they've never went up against that! Everyone hears the fear in Tsu voice but all they can do is watch. FIGHT Bemal and his younger sister Shealia charged at the frog duo Samidare using his tongue stretches out to grab bemal and successfully throws him into the air and Satsuki capitalizes by then slamming him downwards with her tongue Shealia comes from behind Satsuki and opens her mouth and releases fire Satsuki sees this but can't dodge in time Samidare luckily used his tongue to grab onto his little sister and throws her highee into the sky while he handles Shealia. Shealia and Samidare engaged in combat and Shealia grabbed Samidare by the throat and was about to release fire once more before Samidare punched Shealia in the stomach making her gasp for air right before he could throw her out of the arena bemal comes back and punches Samidare in the back making him cry out in pain. SAMIDARE!!!! Satsuki yelled. She used her tongue to grab onto Shealia but Shealia grabs it and then pulls her closer. Luckily this is exactly what Satsuki wanted as she gets pulled down closer to the pair and her brother she then kicks Shealia in the ribs and she loses breath and let's go of Satsuki's tongue Shealia falls back onto the ground. Thank you sis. Of course brother. Just then they feel heat rising just to then look behind them and see Bemal charging up his fire Satsuki's eyes widen with fear and Samidare sees this and protects his little sister as he takes a blast in the back from the fire explosion. Tsu looks up in disbelief did she just watch her siblings die? Did she just really stand here and let it happen? N-no Tsu says. Mina hugs Tsu holding her barely numbs the pain for Tsu but she embraces the hug before she sees her siblings land on the ground safely. She breathes a sigh of relief and joy that her siblings are still alive. Samidare's back looks burnt no doubt from taking a point blank hit from a fire breather. Big brother Satuski says with tears in her eyes. Don't worry I will handle him you get his sister. O-ok Satuski says nervously. Samidare charges at Bemal and Satuski charges at Shealia, Samidare jumps over Bemal's fire hand strike and kicks him in the back with his froggy legs, Samidare then leaps into the air and with his tongue he grabs Bemal and slams him into the ground. Satuski smacks Shealia with her tongue and then shealia grabs her by the throat but then Satsuki kicks Shealia in the ribs but shealia tanks the hit and in anger charges up her fire breath and hits Satsuki point blank even after Satuski covered her face to not be completely burnt. Satuski screamed in pain and Samidare looks behind him and turns pale he charges at Shealia yelling NO while he does so. He kicks Shealia in the ribs, Shealia can't breathe Samidare then grabs her and throws her into the air before slamming her back down near her brother. Satuski quickly rushes to his sister's aid by throwing water on her quickly. Her body wasn't burnt only her hands but there was special protection within the water they were around and her burn marks were completely gone but the pain was still there. Sis are you ok? Y-yes I'm ok I just didn't expect her to tank it that time. It's ok just be a little bit more cautious about it next time ok. Ok. Just then the pair hears fire being charged up and they look behind them and see the siblings are already up and the fire is released and the froggy duo jumps just in the nick of time but the fire assault just continues. Samidare is trying to come up with a plan but doesn't know what to do. Just then the fire duo is stunned for a couple of seconds NOW SATUSKI Samidare yells RIGHT Satsuki yells back. They charge at the fire pair only for them to be ready once more and they charge up their fire and Samidare looks at his sister and sees fear he quickly grabs her protecting her once more and then they take a full on blast of fire the explosion is stadium wide and Tsu turns pale. NO!!!! Tsu yells. The froggy pair land on the other side of the stadium and are laying there tired. They both are completely drained of energy. We believe in you kids!! M-mom? D-dad? You guys got this Ribbit ribbit B-big sister? Don't forget what I trained you guys for go above and beyond your own abilities. Master. Just then the froggy duo get up and the water from all across the stadium begins to circle them. WOW IS THAT?! They are using the water! Ochako screams. Tsu looks at her siblings and with widening eyes she says. Their quirks are awakening! But how is that possible a quirk awakening is usually for that particular quirk! Bakugo exclaims.
Samidare and Satsuki: The both of you are strong but not stronger than us. We've been dreaming about this moment for years and we will not lose sight of our dreams. We will do it. We will become the strongest heroes!! The fire duo looks at the froggy couple and glares.
Samidare: The fact that both of you are still trying to defeat us. You guys must be crazy.
Satsuki: Don't blame us for what happens next.
Narrator: Just then the froggy pair excels their water power even more and the fire pair does the same. The froggy pair shoots water towards them and the fire pair dodge it getting closer for a final attack the froggy pair lift their hands up together.
Samidare and Satsuki: We see now master. *The fire pair is ready to shoot their fire beams*. Thank you *The froggy pair says before they release the water energy they have at the fire duo an explosion is set off and it engulfs the stadium. WOAH HOLY CRAP Bakugo yells. THIS IS CRAZY Kaminari yells. After the dust clears Samidare and Satuski are standing victorious with their Arms in the air. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN WE HAVE WINNERS!!!!!! YEAH!!!!!!!! Heh they took that one from my book All might says. The froggy pair reunite with their sister and the froggy siblings share a hug and tears. I'm so proud of you both Tsu says. Thank you big sis they both say before the Announcer congrats both of the young heroes and give them their rewards for winning. Well that's all folks thank you all again and we will see you all next ti- Just then a huge star is seen in the sky just then a mysterious figure lands in the stands section of the stadium and looks at the froggy pair with blood shot eyes. The froggy pair stands there in disbelief. Y-you they both say. Tsu and everyone else is on edge they don't know who this mysterious figure is or what it wants but the froggy pair tells everyone to trust them with this battle Tsu looks paralyzed with fear so does Ochako,Toga and Mina. Everyone stares at the mysterious stranger who looks ready for a battle
To be continued.

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