MHA Only A Nightmare

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My feelings are genuine Ochako and to prove it I'm going to give you all of the blood in my body. WAIT NO HIMIKO CHAN IF YOU DO THIS YOU'LL DIE!!! I know my Ochako but I couldn't stand being in a world where you don't exist I couldn't bare to see you die like this I don't want to lose you like this. B-BUT H-HIMIKO!!!! Uraraka screams Toga's name but she's barely holding on. Himiko falls to the floor out of blood lost. HI-HIMKO CHAN!!!! Goodbye my love. NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Uraraka wakes up breathing heavily and crying the dream it felt all to real once again. Toga,Tsu, and Mina all wake up to here Ochako crying and they quickly rush to her aid.
Toga: Ochako what's wrong?!
Tsu: Ochako is everything ok?
Mina: What happened?!
Narrator: Uraraka takes sometime to calm down before she says.
Ochako: I had a nightmare
Mina: About what?
Ochako: Me and Himiko.
Narrator: All goes silent in the room Toga looks at her and says.
Toga: What was the dream Ochako?
Ochako: Our fight.
Narrator: Nobody says a word.
Ochako: When we were fighting in the sad man's legion. When we had finally stopped fighting and you gave me your blood to keep me alive and you had fallen over and all I could hear was an echo of me screaming your name and then you said goodbye my love and you layed there dead and then I woke up.
Narrator: The three girls sit there next to Ochako they see that she's crying harder now they all comfort her and Uraraka gladly welcomes their loving arms. After they were done Uraraka ask a question that leaves some questioning and some shock.
Ochako: Toga I have a question.
Himiko: I'm listening.
Ochako: How did you survive?
Narrator: Toga sits there for a couple minutes then says.
Toga: Do you really wanna know how I survived Ochako?
Ochako: Yes because I remember you saying that you were going to give me all of the blood in your body but if that was possible then you wouldn't be here I'm glad your here but how did you survive?
Toga: When I had gotten done laying down next to you I blacked out and I saw my life flash before my eyes. I was in an empty void and then I saw all of my memories everything that I did everything that had happened to me all the abuse the pain and rejection. Then I saw them. My parents.
Narrator: The other three girls turn pale.
Himiko: They walked up to me and I started crying asking them why did they reject me? Why did they abuse me? Why did they punish me? And why didn't they help me as they were supposed to do as parents. They told me they were scared and they told me they didn't know how to react. But they then told me that I was never the problem to society I was never the issue. It was them who were the issue. It was theie fault as to why I tirned out the way I did. They began to cry and I too cried I said why did they do that to me? They said they were stupid and selfish. After we were done crying they said they know that nothing they could do or say would make up for what they did but they told me that they were deeply sorry and that they wanted me to know that they loved me deeply as their only child and that I had the cutest smile that I was a normal girl and the most beautiful girl in the whole world.
Narrator: Himiko looks at Ochako when she says this and the two females smile.
Himiko: Then I told them I love them too and that I... I forgave them. We hugged again and then they told me that it wasn't my time to join them and then they put their hands towards my heart and a huge light shined and then I awoke in a stroller and Izuku was there by my side and your side Ochako.
The girls: Deku?!
Himiko: Yup. When we got to the hospital I heard Izuku talking to the doctors and explaining what to do with me after I was fully healed. He told them that he will give me some of his blood to help speed up the process. They told him he was crazy but they let him do it anyway. Since your body was only passed out but filled with blood Ochako they kept you there until you awoke to take you back to U.A. As for me, Izuku asked the hospital to keep my name and presence a secret so that nothing would happen to me. When I fully awakened and saw Izuku with me we hugged and caught up on old times.
Ochako: W-wait old times?!
Himiko: Me and Deku knew each other long before we knew you guys.
Narrator: Ochako, Tsu and Mina all look shocked. Why didn't he tell us this? Ochako said.
Himiko: Because i told him when we were teenagers don't try and save me from the people I'm going with or they will kill him. Downtown from the league me and him said our final goodbye's and shared a kiss and we cried and I headed to the league while he headed to U.A. We vowed to act like we didn't know each other but everytime we saw each other I could see it on his face how badly he wanted to help me to save me and he could see how much I wanted him to help me to save me from the league, to save me from my mental illnesses, my mental health. That time at the hospital was the only time we were able to embrace each other normally once again like we were teenagers again. When I was healed they took me through private rehab at U.A. And that attack on U.A. 8 months ago is when I decided to reveal myself to you guys. Seeing how happy you were Ochako brought more tears to my eyes.
Narrator: Ochako smiles.
Himiko: But yes Ochako it is the real me. No clone, no copy, none of that the real me.
Narrator: Ochako cries and hugs Himiko Toga and the two girls hug one another for awhile while Tsu and Mina smile at their two happy friends.

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