I hate you...but I love you...

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Chapter song: Rolling In The Deep by Adele

"Ace shut the fuck up. Literally no one gives a shit about you. I'm pretty sure if you were to die tonight no one would care. I actually think everyone would be happy and excited your dead." He said. "Maybe I will attempt again. Oh wait. I tried last night. Never successfully killed myself." I said back. "Then you ain't trying hard enough you stupid bitch." He said. "Yeah maybe I'm not. But I will most definitely try again tonight. Just for your happiness. Bitch." I said and walked out of the school. I got on the bus and everyone looked at me per usual. I fucking hate everyone in the school district. Literally everyone. And they hate me to. But I'm pretty sure I have more hatred than they do. No doubt in my mind. The therapy isn't helping me hate them less. It's honestly just pissing me off from someone telling me to do something over and over again. I'm honestly extremely close to smacking that bitch straight in the face. In fact I mean dead in the face. I hope someone else does it. But who knows. I could be the bitch to do that. I went on my phone and went on TikTok. I was scrolling through my fyp when I got a message. From of course. Jackson. I read it and immediately found it adorable he was thinking about me.

J: You actually gonna kys?
A: maybe.
J: I didn't mean it
A: lies.
J: you right. I did mean it you stupid dumb bitch.
A: LMAOOO. Your funny.
J: good.
A: oh nooo
J: 😑
A: that's me if I actually gave a fuck about your opinion 🖕🏻
J: you should.
A: why's that?
J: cuz I'm the only person you like in this school.
A: yeah your kinda interesting. And entertaining.
J: ew I was joking.
A: I wasn't.
J: your fucking weird.
A: that's crazy considering it's coming from you, Jackson.
J: What's that supposed to mean?
A: your so fucking slow.
A: whatever.
J: Kys.
A: on it.

I got off the bus and put my headphones on and went up to the bridge for the sunset like I do every day. As I was listening to music and watching the sunset I started thinking about attempting again. Would it actually be better without me? Would I be happy? Would everyone be happy? Would I feel better? I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard someone yelling my name. I recognize that voice. "ACE!" They yelled. It was Jackson. "ACE GET DOWN!" He said. "Nah I'm good. The world would be better off without me, right?" I asked. "No it wouldn't. I wouldn't be able to live or love the same without you. Please get down." He said. "No. Now goodbye!" I said before he grabbed me and pulled me down. "Ace please don't. I didn't mean anything I said. Please. Stay with me." He said as I giggled. "Ace what's wrong?" He asked. "It's funny how you just switched up so fast. Almost like you love me or something. It's fucking fu-" I was cut off by him smashing his lips into mine. "What the fuck?" I asked against his lips. "I'm highly in love with you." He replied. "Interesting." I said as he disconnected our lips. "Are you on drugs or are you drunk?" I asked. "None." He said. "You have to be." I said. "Nope. I'm clean as shit." He said as I gasped. "S-so this whole time you've been in love with me?" I asked. "Yeah. Why?" He asked. "I fucking hate you." I said and got up. "Understood." He said as I walked back to the edge of the bridge again. "Ace you can't even swim. What the fuck are you doing?" He asked. "What you wanted." I said as he came closer. "You know I don't want you to actually kill yourself. I never did. I always wanted to. I never wanted you to. When you said you've tried to multiple times I broke inside. I never wanted to hear that. And then when you said you were going to 10 minutes ago I tracked your location you still share with me and immediately came. I got here just before you jumped. Can you please let me take you down again? I don't want you to die. Anytime soon. And the cops are going to be here soon. And they will grab you with no hesitation. I'm asking you for permission and I want your consent. That may have been a shock but I assume your life at home isn't as good as it should be. And I'm sure school doesn't help. That's why you always come here as soon as you get off the bus and stay here all night. And then walk up to the bus stop in the morning. I feel bad for everything I did. But if you take my hand I promise I'll change. Please. Take my hand and let's talk all night. I would love to talk with you about random shit all night long. Listening to music and watching the stars. I find peace out here as well. In fact it's my favorite place to be. But because your always here I go to the other end. I don't really like socializing with people. But I can deal with socializing with you. Especially since you're going through a hard time. Maybe we could talk about everything in our lives that's making us feel this way. And talk it out? I'm not forcing you to but it seems like your going through the worst out of the both of us. Look I'm trying to get you to feel better. Cause that fucking therapist isn't doing shit for you. All she's doing is trying to get you to have less hatred instead of actually helping you. And I understand you. I don't even know anything about your life and I understand your pain. Probably because we're both about done with life and trying to attempt multiple times a day. If not then I apologize for assuming. But if you take my hand we can talk about it together. The last thing I want to see is you killing yourself. So please, take my hand and talk to me. I'll listen to everything and help you. I promise." He said. "How do I know your not lying to me and your not going to tell the entire school about this and everything I would tell you on Monday?" I asked. "Because I'm still here. Trying to get you down. If I was going to do that I probably would've recorded you about to jump and post it somewhere. But I'm still here trying to get you down. Because I'm being serious." He said as I wiped my tears. "I don't want to talk to you. I want you to leave and let me do this." I cried. "We don't have to talk but I'm not leaving until you get down and promise me and mean it. Promise me you won't hurt yourself and kill your self. And prove it to me by getting down." He said as the cops pulled up. "GET THEM AWAY!" I yelled. "Their here to help you." He said. "I'LL JUMP IF THEY DON'T GO AWAY AND LEAVE ME ALONE!" I sobbed. "Back up." He said as they walked away. "Ma'am get down or we'll take you down and we don't want to do that." The cop said. "Boy if don't shut yo mouth you don't know anything about girls my god." The female cop said as she started talking to me. "What's your name sweetheart?" She asked as I sniffled. "A-Ace." I stuttered. "Okay Ace sweetie don't do this. You have people who care and love you. Like family." She said. "My family doesn't care about me. I haven't been home in a month and they haven't even set out a search warrant. They probably don't even know I'm gone. They don't even realize I haven't been home for a while. My family doesn't give a shit about me. They would care less if I decided to kill myself or not. They would see it on the news and they wouldn't even know who I am. They would probably just be like 'they have our last name that's cool!' And then never talk about it again." I said. "Okay well you still have friends who care about you right?" She asked. "Nope everyone hates me. And I hate them as well. Now can I jump." I cried. "No you can't jump. You need to get down." She said. "And what if I do jump? My life would be better if I'm in hell." I sniffled. "Sweetheart I can assure you that will not help any of your problems. That will just make them worse." She said. "How would you know? Your just saying that because you want me to get down." I said as she dropped her gun. "That's the complete opposite actually. I tried to commit suicide multiple times before I realized that was the problem with my life. I was so tired and exhausted that I couldn't handle it anymore. I was so exhausted from my family not caring about me and everyone hating me that I just tried to commit suicide. But when I failed all those times I finally realized after the cop that saved me was the reason I'm still alive. She risked her life just to save me and get me the help I needed. She's the reason I'm here today. And I was sent here to you today to save you. Because I know exactly how you feel right now. So please. You can do this. Trust me. Sister to sister here. I'm going to get you the help you need. I promise." She said. "I'M ALREADY IN THERAPY AND ALL THAT BITCH CARES ABOUT IS MAKING ME NOT HATE ANYONE. SHE DOESN'T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT ANYTHING ELSE." I yelled. "I know sweetie. That's why I'm offering you the opportunity to get the help you need. And the help you deserve. Please take it. Don't jump. I'm here for you and I care about you. And it seems like he does as well. Just come down and I'll get you the help you need." She said as I wiped my tears. I grabbed Jackson's hand and he helped me down. "I got you." He said as he picked me up bridal style. I wrapped my arms around the back of his neck and he held me. "You did a good job. Now I'll get you the help you need." She said as I shook my head. "I wanna stay here with him." I said as she looked at him and he nodded. "Okay. Just promise you'll get me if you need me okay?" She asked as I nodded. "Okay my name is deputy Kiki. You can come get me at the station or call 911 to get me okay?" She asked as I nodded. She got up and walked back over to her partner. "And that's how you talk a girl out of suicide." She said as they got in and drove away. Me and Jackson just stood there for a few minutes in silence. "I-I'm happy you reconsidered.." He said as I looked up at him. "I'm sorry you had to deal with this. I'm usually alone and I didn't expect you to come. I didn't even text you." I whispered. "Yes you did." He said. "I swear to god i didn't." I said as I pulled my phone out of my pocket. I went to messages and saw that I did text him. "Wait what the fuck. I seriously didn't text you. I have no idea how you got that text." I said. "Well whoever it was clearly knew you. And knew about everything We said today. Sense they texted 'I'm about to jump, are you happy now?!' I literally didn't even finish reading that. I only read 'I'm about to jump' and started running down here. I never thought you would actually do that. I thought you didn't care about anything. I thought the only thing you ever cared about was music. And you only cared about animals. That's why you go up through the dirt road with horses and stuff." He said as I nodded. "Yeah well that's only peace I can ever get. The bridge and the dirt road are the only places I can escape reality. My music is just too distract me from my suicidal thoughts. That's why I always have my headphones on at school. So I drown everything and everyone out and just think about life. And then I just kinda break more. Until I can't break anymore. That's when I attempt again. And one day I hope it works." I said as he looked up at the stars. "I get it. I only hated you because I didn't know how to express my love for you. So I interpreted it into hatred. I now get that was extremely stupid of me and I shouldn't have done that. But the thing about that is I have a reputation at school. And that unfortunately hating you. And I can't just stop doing that. I'm sorry but I can't stop doing it. And if your down I'd like to be your friend in secret. And in public we can continue hating each other. I just won't go as far as I have been. It's kinda like enemies to lovers. And honestly I love enemies to lovers. With the smut in the book. I wouldn't mind seeing it." He said and I giggled. I laid on my back and looked up at the sky with him. "I love the sky." I said. "I do to." He said. "Do you want to know the truth about me and why I'm so upset and angry all the time?" I asked. "You don't have to tell m-" I cut him off. "N-no I want to. I need to let it out." I said and smiled softly. "Okay. Go ahead." He said as I nodded. "Well, when I was a little kid I was abused on the daily basis. And every time I was hit I would cry. And that pissed my step dad off. I also had a step brother who was a very big part of my trauma. Every single time he got the chance. Whether we were home alone or they were in their room together doing god only knows what...h-he would..." I paused trying to stop myself from crying. "Hey, it's okay." He said and pulled me into a hug. "He would r-rape me all the time. And every time I would cry for help he would choke me to shut me up. This was every single day until I turned 13 years old and started sneaking out at night. One day I came home from school and as soon as I got off the bus I ran down here to this spot. And I stayed here all night. When I went home the next day no one even realized I was gone. When I came back downstairs no one recognized me. I then made it a habit to just come here to clean my head until I was raped by my stepfather when I snuck back in one night. After that night I realized I was never going back. And I haven't gone back at all yet. I don't even plan on it. I go to my best friends house every morning to get ready. Then I come to the driveway to get on the bus. And that's basically the routine until the weekend when I go ride horses. And school has done nothing but made my life worse for obvious reasons. I'm sorry you have to listen to me." I said and he laughed a little. "Your fine. I'm sorry that happened to you though. You definitely deserve better and deserve to feel safe and loved in your house. No girl deserves to go through that at such a young age. Granted I 'hate' you but you still don't deserve that. I'm sorry you had to experience that all the time. But I'm happy you found places you can go to escape reality. I'm the same way. Just never been raped." He said as I was listening. Surprisingly I didn't cut him off or anything. And another shock is that I feel safe. Like extremely safe. What's happening to me. He told me to commit suicide again then he saved me and now I feel safe with him?! "I don't know what to say about my life. My family is horrible and I don't want you to think I'm trying to make it all about me." He blurted out of nowhere. "It's fine. I want to know what hurts you so badly." I whispered. "Are you sure?" He whispered back. I nodded in response. "Well, my mom and dad used to argue all the time when I was a kid. This continued until I was 13. A teenager. Until they finally filed a divorce. Growing up I wasn't very poor but I didn't really ever have money. The arguing continued until they went to court. Once they were finally divorced my dad packed his stuff up and left. That's when I realized my mom was crazy. She started acting so different I could barely even recognize her. All the time I was home alone and she was either at a bar or at a club. And sometimes at a party. Every time she came home she was drunk and she would always have a new guy with her. And every time I came out of my room for a drink or something like that she would hit me and yell at me to go back in my room. I never believed in love after my parents argued all the time. My mom wouldn't let me talk to him. Ever. When the court finally had the visitation rights for my dad to see me I wasn't allowed to go to court and speak for myself. I had a truancy officer come and talk to me about what I wanted. I remember one time I was begging to see my dad. And then my mom came in drunk like always and yelled at us both telling us I wasn't gonna see my dad. Ever. After that it was time for court and the judge ruled that I wasn't allowed to see my dad because of my slut of a mother. I was homeschooled through my 1st-9th grade years. Until my mom finally put me in public school. That's when I met you. The first time I laid my eyes on you I felt like I was going to have a heart attack. And obviously like I said earlier I never believed in love. The trauma I have was the real reason I was so hateful towards you. Because I was developing a crush on you and I didn't want what happened to my parents to happen to me. That's why I hated you so much. I finally realized tonight that you were the reason why I believe in love again. Because you have the same trauma as I do. It might be different but we both have mommy and daddy issues. I know that for sure. Ace I love you, a lot. And I know you hate me and I understand that. But I would like to date you one day. And don't worry about me being like my parents. I never want to be like them. I plan to be the complete opposite of them. I want to be nothing like them. I want to be the change in my family. My step dad has a daughter who has a huge crush on me. She also has a little sister who I've become highly attached to. But unfortunately my mom and stepdad argue all the time. Just like my real dad and my mom. And every time they do she runs to me crying. It breaks my heart to see her cry and if I could I'd take her with me here. But I can't. I'll be in the wrong for doing that." He explained as I started crying in the beginning. He was rubbing my back the entire time. "I can see about getting her into horse back riding with me. And you can bring her and watch us. I'm pretty sure Alexa wouldn't mind if I explained everything to her. We can go to your house now and get her and go over to Alexa's house and get her in." I said. "I'm fine with that." He said. We got up and started walking to his house. The entire time we listened to Eminem's till I collapse. "I've had enough, I'm so fed up now it's time to put my life back together right now. It was my decision to get clean I did it for me admittedly, I probably did it subliminally for you." We sang together. After that song we got to his house and he asked me "do you want to come in or no?" I answered "sure." We walked in and went up to his room. "They're probably not home." He said as I nodded. I heard moans from a room next to his room. "Uhmmm." I said as he sighed. "Welcome to the life of having an older sister who's obsessed with you but your never home." He said. Someone came out of the room and it was a girl. I'm assuming his step sister. "JACKSONNNNN!!!" she squealed as he sighed. She jumped on him and I looked at her with jealousy. Why am I jealous? I have no idea. "Wait who's this skank?" She asked. "For your information I'm not a skank. And I'm his girlfriend." I corrected her and she gasped. "Your cheating on me?" She asked as he crunched his eyebrows. "I can't believe yo-" she was cut off by a guy yelling from her room. "BABY ARE YOU COMING BACK?!" He asked as I raised my eyebrows. "Interesting. I think you boyfriend wants to continue fucking you." I said as she scoffed. "Not as bad as your boyfriend does." She said. I grabbed her by her ponytail and pulled her down to my side. "I suggest you watch who your talking to. I'm not the one to fuck with. I will beat the shit out of you with no hesitation. Now go back in your room and mind your business because if you don't I'll send you straight to the lord." I whispered and let her ponytail go. "PSYCO!" She yelled and went back into her room and locked the door. Jackson and I went into his little sister's room and she was sitting on the bed with bruises all over her body. She was crying. "Sweetie are you okay?" I asked as she looked up at me and Jackson. She ran up to Jackson and he picked her up. "We have to go. Now." He said as I nodded and we ran downstairs to the front door. He opened the door and we went to Alexa's house. it's about 5:00 and I texted Alexa's brother, Spade.

A: hey I'm at your house can you get Alexa out please.
S: She's not here yet. But I'll let you in.
A: okay but don't freak out. I have Jackson and his little sister with me.
S: wait what? Why?!
A: it's a long story but I'm helping him and his little sister.
S: fine.
A: oh wait your sister just got home.
S: alr.

Alexa got out of her car and I ran up to her hugging her. "Woah hi ace...why are you here? We don't have a lesson until tomorrow." She said as I walked with her. "Well Jackson and his little sister need help with family problems and I said I'd see about getting them into horse back riding with you." I said as she nodded. "Yeah sure just come on in." She said with a warm smile. Me and Jackson walked inside and his jaw dropped. "Holy shit your house is huge and it's beautiful." He said. "Thank you. I own it." She said as we walked to her office. "Okay so here's your permission form you guys have to fill out for her and when your done I'll show you to a room you guys can stay in because once you sign up you will be assigned to a room. And you can even live here. Considering ace already lives here you could as well." She said as he nodded.

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