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I'm sitting on the couch, getting yelled at by my mom because she found my pack of cigarettes while snooping in my room. It's so amazing... it's not like I have anything better to do anyway. I just sat there, not even listening to her because it's the same thing every single fucking day. "Y/n, are you even paying attention?!" Mother asked, snapping me out of my thoughts. I just stared at her. "Well? Are you?" she continued. "Yeah, I guess. What do you want me to say?" I replied. She just stared at me, annoyed, before pinching the bridge of her nose. "You are such a disappointment. I swear, I don't know where I went wrong with you."

I could feel the sting of her words, each one hitting me like a ton of bricks. It wasn't like I hadn't heard those words before, but each time they came out of her mouth, it felt like a fresh wound. "I'm sorry, mom. I didn't mean to disappoint you. But it's my life, isn't it?" I retorted, trying to maintain a calm facade, but the tremor in my voice betrayed my hurt.

She looked at me, her eyes filled with a mix of anger, frustration, and something else I couldn't quite place. "Your life?" she scoffed, "Do you even know what you're doing with it?" Before I could even respond dad came in to try and break it up and sent me into my room. "Dad," I began to protest, but he simply held up a hand, silencing her. He looked at me, his eyes filled with a strange kind of understanding. It wasn't approval, but it wasn't disappointment either. It was something in between.

"Y/n," he said, his voice calm, "go to your room. We'll talk about this later." I nodded, grateful for the interruption. As I stood up from the couch, I glanced back at my mom. Her face was a mask of frustration and disappointment. I wanted to say something, to apologize or to defend myself, but the words stuck in my throat. Instead, I turned and walked away,  walking to my room. I moved towards my desk, opening the top drawer and rummaging through the cluttered contents. I knew I had a few more packs stashed away somewhere, a precaution I had taken in case of situations like this. My fingers brushed against a familiar rectangular shape, and I pulled out a pack of cigarettes, almost sighing in relief.

But as I looked at the pack, my mom's words echoed in my mind: "You are such a disappointment." I just rolled my eyes, grabbed my lighter, and sat on my balcony, taking a long drag. "You're such a disappointment, blah blah, why can't you be like Caitlyn? Caitlyn never did that at your age, yap yap, fucking yap," I breathed out, letting my legs dangle. "Perfect Caitlyn, it's always Caitlyn this Caitlyn that."  I sighed pulling out my phone to mindlessly swipe on anything to take my mind off it even if it was just for a while, I felt a thump next to me and looked up, dropping my cigarette on my thigh. "Oh, fuck." I dusted away the ash and put out the cigarette on the ground.

Looking up, I saw a random girl looking back at me, and she seemed strange. "Hey... who are you?" I mumbled. She appeared familiar. Before she could respond, I interrupted her. "Wait, don't tell me... you're that one crazy girl... um, Lilith... no, that doesn't sound right." The more I attempted to guess, the more annoyed she became. "Wait, I've got it, is it-" "Goddamn, you're annoying! No wonder you're smoking alone. Don't you have any friends? I'm Jinx, just so you know." No wonder I didn't know her name; she just isn't important enough... I did hear Vi talking about her. "Is your sister Vi, by any chance?"

Jinx sat next to me, nodding her head. "Yeah, Vi's my sister. How do you know her?" she asked, curiosity evident in her eyes. "My sister is dating her, so obviously your name gets brought up a lot," I replied, pulling out another cigarette and lighting it before taking a drag. "Oh, so you're the sister... Do your parents keep you hidden because they're embarrassed of you? I hardly ever see you around," Jinx laughed, what an annoying laugh, I couldn't help but think. I just ignored her and took another drag of the cigarette before exhaling. "Didn't Vi abandon you? I don't know who you're talking about being hidden out of shame."

Jinx's laughter quickly stopped, and a flicker of anger flashed across her face. She leaned in closer, her eyes narrowing. "Abandoned me? You have no idea what you're talking about," she hissed through clenched teeth. "Vi didn't abandon me. We chose different paths, that's all." I could feel the tension rising, but I refused to back down. "Different paths? Is that what you call blowing things up and causing chaos? Vi left because she saw through that destructive lifestyle. She wanted something better for herself, unlike you." Jinx's expression hardened, and her voice turned icy. "You think you know everything, don't you? You and your perfect little sister. Well, I'm not interested in your judgment. Vi and I have a bond that you'll never understand."

"I scoffed, my frustration boiling over. 'A bond? More like a codependency fueled by reckless behavior. You may think you're some kind of rebel, but all I see is someone desperate for attention,' I said. Jinx just laughed and said, "And do you want to know what I see? I see a desperate girl craving her parents' love and affection and never getting it. You're always going to be in Caitlyn's shadow." I couldn't help but laugh at the bitter irony; she was right, of course. I'll never live up to Caitlyn, but I've already accepted that. "Sounds like you're projecting. But you're not wrong." I sighed putting out my cigarette looking at the setting sun.

"Yknow I never caught your name..." Jinx mumbled. This girl was just pissed at me and now she wants my name? Not to mention my name is plastered everywhere what is her deal? "Y/n obviously" I replied sarcastically. "Well, y/n, since we're never going to get along how bout you stay out of my way and I'll stay out of yours. Deal?" Jinx put her hand out smirking widely. Her hands were dirty having oil stains on them with cuts on her fingers. I shook my head giving a small smile. "Nah I hope I see you around... you're cool for someone whose crazy." Jinx laughed looking at me running her fingers through her hair. "Crazy in a good way or bad?" Jinx asked. "Good definitely, I've never met anyone like you." Jinx's eyes softened a little before regaining her composure, returning to that shit-eating grin.

"Well, I'm not the sticking around kinda person, so don't get attached," Jinx smirked, leaning close. I pushed her away, smirking. "Trust me, I don't get attached. I just think it'd be fun to have you around." Jinx smiled, leaning on the railing of my balcony before throwing something at me, jumping off the balcony, and running. I looked down, wondering what the hell it was, and then it started ticking. Panicked, I tried throwing it off the balcony, but it exploded, covering me in paint.

That bitch.

So remake💀 it's going to be the same concept but obviously different I hated the pacing in the original it was all over the damn place I'm going to add basic tw here of things that might happen it's still in progress.

1. Eds 3.dealers and other drugs (not coke) mostly weed, acid, shrooms. And more but once again it's not fully decided yet and if it is I'll tag the chapter accordingly also a lot less Caitlyn here and a lot more mommy issues because i feel like Cassandra is the type to snoop.

Anyways love you all don't forget to comment subscribe and vote and I'll be out with another banger 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🦅🦅🦅

I apologize for that💀

A duck walked up to a lemonade stand, and said to the man running the stand. Hey dun dun dun have any grapes? The man said no.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2023 ⏰

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