🦸🏾‍♂️My superhero🦸🏾‍♂️

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You were my superhero,the one I depended on.
You were my superhero,the man I trusted with my whole heart.
You were my superhero,the one I looked up to.
You were my superhero,until I realized something...you did not love me for me and that was my breaking point.
You were my superhero,until I started fearing for my safety.
You were my superhero,until I started wishing I was never born at age 9.
You were my superhero,until I couldn't even enjoy my school rides.
You were my super hero,until car rides became a panick attack waiting to happen.
You were my superhero,until our texts turned into endless paragraphs about why I never come around and wanting to fix things between us.
You were my superhero,until nights with you became an argument lerking around the corner for me.
You were my superhero,until i couldn't even sleep properly without the fear of being woken up at 12 am
You were my superhero,until I realized your screaming has me reacting negatively to loud sounds.
You were my superhero,until our talks made me want to end it all or carve into my skin with a knife just to feel something.
You were my superhero,until I would be happy at not spending car rides with you.
You were my superhero,until you treating her more like a daughter than you did me.
You were my superhero,until I felt like a bother for feeling anger,fear,and saddness
You were my superhero,until I felt like I had to be perfect to be loved.
You were my superhero,until I felt like I had to bottle it all up.
You were my superhero,until you stopped comforting me during my times of need.
You were my superhero,until I would panick at the sight of a high B.
You were my superhero,until momma cried to me about how you make her feel.
You were my superhero,until I witnessed you not take responsibility.
You were my superhero,until you claimed I only gave you one chance,when you had YEARS and you saw how it affected me
You were my superhero,until I realized you only apologised to me 3 times in my whole life.
You were my superhero,but that all changed when I saw all the mental damage you caused to me and others around me.All this damage that you caused...and for what?
I thought you were my superhero..turns out you were just the villian

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