Things in the Ortega household were chaotic. Today was the first day of school, meaning the first day of freshman year for Jenna and the first day of senior year for you. Aliyah was entering the 8th grade. You were very excited, senior year was supposed to be your year.

You've had a good high school run so far. Being the top in all your classes and your grade, being the captain of the girls soccer team, and being in the drama club as well. You had a great group of friends and a somewhat good collection of teachers.

"Nervous?" You asked Jenna, who seemed to be rapidly typing to her girlfriend, her hands were shaky and you could tell it was from the nerves she was feeling.

"First day of school jitters." She answered, not glancing up from her phone. You carefully reached over grabbing it from her grip. "Hey!"

"Talk to me, sis." You softly expressed, putting her phone face down on the kitchen table.

Jenna sighed, slouching in her chair as she sadly took a bite out of her burnt toast. "I'm scared. What if the rumors are true? What if me and Emma break up because high school is more challenging and that we'll be pressured to have sex?"

"You'll be okay." You assured, moving to take a seat next to her. Jenna looked up at you. "You and Emma have been dating for over a year now, I believe you two have a chance of making it through high school. Trust me."

"Thanks, Y/n/n. What would I do without you?"

"Probably die." You joked and Jenna rolled her eyes with a smile, punching your shoulder as you reached for her phone, handing it back to her. "Need a ride to school or is Emma getting you?"

"Yeah, her moms taking us." Jenna took one last bite of her toast, grabbing her bag as she ran around. "Gotta go, love you, bye!" She rushed out as she made her way out the door.

You smiled, peaking through the living room blinds to see Emma's mom pull up into your driveway, Jenna hopping in the back with Emma, seeing your little sisters smile so bright and genuine made you happy.

"Did Jenna get picked up?" Your mother, Natalie, asked, walking into the room. Aliyah joined her side, but she was glued to her phone as well, almost running into a wall since she wasn't paying attention.

"Yeah, Emma's mom picked her up." You replied, sitting at the dinner table as you began eating the eggs you prepared yourself. "I gotta get going though, I need to be there early to meet with my friends."

Natalie smiled, nodding in understanding as she handed you $10. "Don't forget lunch." You grabbed the money, smiling sweetly at your mother.

"Thanks, mom. Love you." You blew her a kiss, ruffling Aliyah's hair, laughing when she stuck her tongue out at you. You made your way out the door, twirling your car keys on your index finger as you admired the car you worked your ass off for two years to get. Sure, it was only a black sedan, but it got you to go everywhere you needed to be. Plus, it was affordable.


The drive to school was peaceful, you parked your car in your usual spot, exiting the vehicle. You were an hour early for school, but you didn't care, you had things to do and people to see.

As you walked through the halls, you had multiple books that you were carrying in your arms, and your backpack was a little heavier than normal. You noticed down the hall, a group of boys stood there. They were rather annoying, and very distracting.

You ignored them though, turning to go to your locker, opening it up and finally breathing after all those books were out of your hands. "Hey, bitch!" Your best friend, Sabrina, shouted, an excited smile planted on her face as she walked towards you.

"Oh my god, hey!" You giggled as you both threw your arms around each other, giving each other a tight squeeze before letting go. "Oh, your hair looks so good!"

"Did your freckles become more darker?" Sabrina and you gossiped, examining your brand new features that you didn't have during the summer. "You did it! Bitch, I can't believe you dyed your hair!"

"It looks so good, right?" You asked, running your hand through your hair instinctively while Sabrina nodded. "I went for a more darker look."

"Well, it suits you." Your best friend winked, causing you to giggle as you turned around, looking at yourself in the small mirror you had attached to the door of your locker.

"So, how was your summer?" You brought up, asking the blonde who began rambling on and on about her amazing summer. You listened to every word, that's usually how your guys' friendship worked. Sabrina talked while you listened, sometimes it was the other way around, but this was the way you both preferred.

"Anyway, I do have to go and meet with the band teacher. I'll catch you later though." Sabrina threw you a wave, adjusting her backpack straps before walking off. You smiled, closing your locker as you made your way through the halls of the school.

You wrapped around a corner, trying to get to your math class but you accidentally ran into someone. Or well, more like, multiple people. But the person you made contact with was Hailee Steinfeld, one of the biggest addicts and alcoholics in school ever. Her and her gang of rats were always high or drunk.

"Yo, what the fuck?" Hailee cursed, groaning when you elbowed her in the stomach.

"Sorry." You mumbled, fixing your sweater. Hailee didn't say anything, just looking at you with a scowl. Before you could speak, one of her friends cut you off.

"Watch where you're going, nerd." They spat, you recognized him as Jason. God, you hated that kid. "Wouldn't want our theatre dork to go missing before the winter play." He joked, earning cackles and cheers from his hyena friends.

Hailee, however, didn't say anything. She leaned against the wall, lighting one of her blunts in her hand, placing it between her lips as she took a hit. "Leave the nerd alone." She mumbled and all her friends looked at her, including you. "She's captain of the soccer team." She exhaled the smoke out in your direction, causing you to grimace at the smell, waving your hand to blow it away.

"Oh yeah." One of Hailee's friends mumbled.

"So?" Jason sassed, crossing his arms at Hailee. Hailee remained calm though, taking another hit from her blunt, you watched her carefully.

"I don't think you want the entire soccer team to come for you. I've seen them, dated a few too, they're savage beasts, bro." She slapped Jason's chest, a thoughtful expression on the boys' face. "I don't think you want a soccer ball to be kicked at your head. Even if your head is the size of one."

The boys cackled again but this time at Jason, who blushed out of embarrassment. "Shut up, my head is average size!" He exclaimed, storming away.

Hailee took the blunt away from her lips, handing it to her other friend, who threw it on the ground, stomping on it to put it out. "Move along, sweetheart. Just because Jason's too pussy to actually do anything, doesn't mean I won't. So move those feet, would ya?"

You glared at the taller girl who remained emotionless, leaning against the wall. You grabbed your back that had fallen off your shoulder, standing up. "Whatever." You mumbled under your breath, walking off with a quiet scoff and a roll of your eyes.

Hailee watched you walk off with interest and curiosity in her eyes as Payton handed her a can of beer.

This will be one hell of a book.
I've been working on this since mid December and decided "why not post one day before 2024", so here we are.
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