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Every time I get hurt, I move forward


Maki pov

"Maki, why didn't you guys tell me about Jungwon?"

I froze.

I didn't know what to say.

I can't just say that I was forced to keep quiet,

I mean I could, but I can't.


I'd do anything for Jungsook.

I mean- in a friendly way.


"Well, they forced me not to."

"Who?" she asked.

"The people who kidnapped you." I replied, hoping that would let her know.

"Which ones?" she half joked.

"Ha ha, very funny." I said sarcastically, "But on a real note, I'm really sorry for everything. I really hope that you don't hate me." 

Then she hugged me again.

"Maki Maus. I could never hate you. Ever. You're my favorite person." she said into my neck.

It's my turn to cry now...

I started tearing up while I hugged her back.

"You're amazing, Jungie. And I'm really sorry about everything you've had to go through recently." I squeezed her tighter.

After a few more minutes, we pulled out of the hug.

Our eyes locked.

she's really pretty. I thought to myself.

Since when did she get this attractive-


What the hell am I thinking...

Maki. No. Just no.

She's already in a love triangle between Jo and Nicholas.

Which are my brothers..

That's really messed up of me.

Wait, It's not messed up.

Because i'm not in love with her.

It's as simple as that.

As our "staring contest" went on, we heard a knock on the door.

"Hey, Jungsook. It's Nick." Nicholas said, "Can we talk?"

She looked over to me as if she was looking for approval.

I nodded, "Yeah, I'll go now." I stood up, giving her one last hug, "Good night." 

She smiled at me before letting Nicholas in.

"I'm really fucking jealous of that Jay du-" he cut himself off at the sight of me.

Ha... Imagine being jealous of Jay.


"Woah, Maki. I didn't know you were in here. What- why are you here."

"Just helping a...friend." I faked a smile and walked past him.


Jungsook pov

I really did not want Maki to leave.

That's really weird because usually I won't mind.

Maybe because he was comforting me a lot.


But if they're one thing that I took from what just happened, it's that Maki is really attractive.

I was finally broken from my thoughts when Nicholas waved his hand in front of my face.

"We're you listening?" 


So I'm rock, rock, rock, rock, rock with the way I flow

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