Chapter 12

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Swara did not know when Sanskar left her hand. She was so lost in the euphoria that when she realised, Sanskar was nowhere to be found. Assuming that he would be having the same emotional turmoil, she did not go to check him. Instead, she sat on the corner couch and started to absorb what just happened!

Sanskar, on the other hand, had completely forgotten what happened! He forgot the warmth , his heart felt after years. He forgot the electrifying touch of Swara. He forgot how her eyes were twinkling with tears at the end of the dance. All he remembered was seeing the face of Kavita, staring back at him, standing along with Sanskar's best friend of childhood, Sahil who was now Kavita's husband.

There was a blizzard going on outside. But Sanskar did not care. He was walking aimlessly on the road, with just his blazer on. Snow was getting deposited over his clothes. But his past was haunting him so much that he wanted to bury himself in that snow only. He did not realise that his blood pressure could rise in such cold weather. He had even forgotten to take the medicine in the morning too.

Swara came out of the venue. There was a smile on her face. At least she had a memory to cherish for the lifetime. She was heading back to her room when a man ,whom she saw with Sanskar earlier this evening came in front of her.

"Yes!" She said.

"Umm! Ma'am! Where is Sanskar sir? He left his room keys with me and he is nowhere to be found after the dance."

His words startled Swara. Where was Sanskar? He was not in his room, not with his colleagues, not in this hotel!

"Give it to me! I will return it if I found him!" She replied and took the keys. But her heart was getting a little restless. It was not due to some unknown fear. She was sure that Sanskar had done some stupidity again.

She looked outside. There was pitch black with visible snowfall. Did he went outside?

She immediately rushed to guard who himself was looking outside as if waiting for someone to come back!

"Bhaiya! Have you seen someone going outside an hour before?" She asked.

"Ji madame ji! A man, he went outside. I tried to stop him too but he did not listen." Guard replied.

"Oh God! Sanskar! Where have you gone?" Swara said to herself. Looking at the blizzard, she knew that roads may be covered completely by snow. But she needed to find him anyhow!

She ran to her room and packed herself with as much winter clothes as she could. She knew being in love did not mean to be stupid.

She then ran outside. Guard tried to stop her too but she did not listen. There was the illumination from the street lights. When she put her feet on snow, they burried till her knees. Cold wind was burning her face which was opened. But her mind was concerned for Sanskar. Who made him IPS officer!

All the bad thoughts that Swara could have ever thought, were flooding in front of her! And she was too letting out prayers for him with each thought. She was continuously asking God to keep him safe till she reaches to him.

And her prayers got answered. He was standing under a tree, looking lost. He was least expecting Swara to be there too. But when he heard footsteps behind him and then a sudden pull, he knew that unexpected things could happen too.

"What on earth were you doing here Mr. Maheshwari?" Swara was visibly angry.

"What are you doing here?" He questioned her back, "There is a blizzard going on! You should not have came here!"

"Seriously?" Swara looked at him in disbelief, "Is blizzard just for me, not for you?"

Sanskar had no answer. He turned his face and looked away. He now realised how cold it actually was!

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