Chapter 30

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Dharma was about to ask Swara when Swara suddenly saw something shiny lying below her bed. Her gaze suddenly got fixed over it. It was an earring. It was her earring.

She immediately picked it up. She looked at it again and again to confirm. Yes it was hers! It was the same one which Sanskar had taken from her! Her eyes glittered a little.

"What..... where did you find it?" Swara managed to ask. Her heart was racing.

"Swara! Do you know whose this?" Dharma asked.

"I.....I had the same earring of same design...." Swara said and again looked at it with lots of intent.

Dharma's eyes glittered too. She was sure the girl standing in front of her was Jugnu's Swara.

"Swara! We got this from Jugnu's pocket!" Dharma said.

"Jugnu? Who jugnu?"

"8 months back, just like you we found a man who fell from the cliff! This was the only thing he had with him! And he was shot in back!" Dharma said.

"Wh....what are you saying?" Swara was unbelievably looking at Dharma.

"Yes! He was badly injured but anyhow we saved him."

"Can....can you .....tell me.... Any identification marks or.." swara folded her hands in front of Dharma, "Please!"

"There is a bullet graze mark on his left forearm!"

"Yes that was in an encounter!" Swara instantly replied.

"And his eyes chocolate brown!"


"And some stitch marks on his left wrist!"

"Yes it was when he slit his wrist!" Swara said and instantly stopped. Her heart raced. The hope which she felt was lost somewhere , erupted again in her broken heart. And then she realised that jugnu was none other than her Sanskar.

She did not want to wait for anyone. Her grief was over now. The one whom she had thought would never return was with her since last night and she couldn't identify him.

Just like a mad person, she ran outside. Dharma tried to catch her.

"Don't run Swara! You are not well!"

"My all problems, my life is alive didi! Where is your jugnu, my Sanskar?" She was running out.

And there she saw a man, who was standing in the sun, his face away from her, teaching the elderly people of village about English.

Swara felt her feet numb. When you get happiness so suddenly after a long time, your heart sometimes deny to accept. She was not able to move even a single feet forward.

"What happened?" Dharma asked.

"What if....what if he...he is not my Sanskar?" Swara asked.

"Calm down!" Dharma said, "Let's confirm! Jugnu........"

And at that very moment, Jugnu turned. His face glowed in the setting sun. His chocolate brown eyes twinkled in the sun. He looked at the girl staring at him in disbelief.

Swara's heart skipped a beat. The face she never forgot even in her dreams was standing right in front of her. Her heart was thumping against her chest.  But her feet were not ready to move. Seeing her beloved after such a long time and so unexpectedly ran electric shocks in her whole body.

"Swara! What happened?" Dharma asked, " he your Sanskar?"

Swara's voice choked. She could not respond. All she could do was just to stare at her love.

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