Project Rebirth

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Steve rides with Peggy and Me staring out at the familiar streets. "I know this neighborhood. I got beat up in that alley...and that vacant lot...and behind that diner." Steve says as he points out the places he refused to back down in. "Did you have something against running away?" Peggy asks Him, I might not've known Steve for very long but I know that running away is not something Steve does. "You start running, they'll never let you stop. You stand up, you push back...they can only tell you "no" for so long, right?" Steve says as he Studies Peggy's face.

"We know a bit about what that's like. To have every door shut in your face." I say kindly, Not everyone was as forgiving and generous to two female Agents.

"I guess I don't know why some beautiful...Dames..why would they want to join the army anyhow? Or Some Women- Agents- Not Dames. You're both Beautiful but....." Steve stammers through, trying to fix his sentence. I chuckle at his antics. "You don't know how to talk to a Woman, Do you?"

"This is probably the longest conversation I've ever had with one-Two." Me and Peggy are laughing just the teeniest bit. "You must have at least danced." Peggy says

"Asking a girl to dance seemed so terrifying, and then in the last few years it didn't seem so important. I figure I might as well wait."

"For what?" He shrugs, looking out the window. "The right partner." He doesn't see that this affects Peggy. But I do. The car slows.

"This is it."


The sedan pulls up to an ANTIQUE STORE. TWO BUMS LOLL NEAR THE ENTRANCE. TWO MEN IN SUITS stand near a row of cars. Steve climbs out, confused.

"Why did we stop here?

"Follow Me"


The bell over the door rings. THE ANTIQUE STORE OWNER nods at Me, Peggy and Steve.

"Lovely weather this morning, isn't it?" Says the Elderly Store Owner,

"Yes, but I always carry an umbrella." I reply with a kind SmileThe code exchanged, the woman presses A BUTTON UNDER THE COUNTER, WHERE A SUBMACHINE GUN hangs hidden. Peggy and I lead Steve through A DOOR IN THE BACK.


They find A MARINE guarding a HUGE METAL DOOR. As the door whooshes open, the Marine salutes.


Steve steps out onto a raised platform and gapes: THE HUGE, ULTRA-MODERN REBIRTH LAB STRETCHES BENEATH THEM, FAR LARGER THAN THE STORE OUTSIDE. TECHS OPERATE MACHINERY. ENGINEERS MAN MONITORS. A FILM CREW SETS UP. They all look respectfully at Steve. His eyes alight on...THE REBIRTH DEVICE. GLITTERING LENSES SURROUND A MAN-SHAPED CRADLE. PNEUMATIC PANELS FOLD BELOW. SIX VITA-RAY REACTORS LOOM BEHIND. Dr. Erskine scurries about in the center of all prepping. Steve takes it all in, looking over to an OBSERVATION BOOTH where a group of men gather.


SENATOR BRANDT confers with his aides. A man with glasses waits a little behind. Phillips enters.

"Senator Brandt. Glad you could make it." Phillips says as he shakes his hand. "Why exactly am I in Brooklyn?" Phillips looks down to the machine below. "We needed access to the city's power grid. Of course, if you'd given us the generator I requisitioned..".

"Lot of people asking for funds, Colonel.Oh, this is Clem..". The man sticks his hand out as Brandt fumbles the name. "Fred Clemson, State Department. If this project of yours comes through, we'd like to make sure it's used for something- Other than headlines." Phillips nods, as Brandt peers through the window a the lab. He spots Steve. "Jeez, somebody get that kid a sandwich."

Love, Agent DelacroixWhere stories live. Discover now