Tsukauchi's Check In

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Aizawa watched as Midoriya walked around the coffee table, mumbling as he traced the rug with his steps before stopping where he started. Bakugou was too busy watching the television to acknowledge what the other boy was doing. Instead, Bakugou's eyes were fixed on the television as he bit his nails.

Izuku traced around the rug one more time and happily flapped his hands. That's when Aizawa realized he was counting his steps and had arrived at the same number as his first go around. Izuku tapped his belly a couple of times before climbing on top of the couch. Izuku tried to sit next to Katsuki but once the kid started head-banging on the soft couch Bakugou roughly pushed him away. Aizawa was worried that maybe Izuku would whine at the sudden harsh movement but the green boy simply picked himself back up.

"Sorry," Izuku muttered before moving to the other end of the couch where he started his head banging again. This time the hits were softer, the kid was adjusting so the blonde wouldn't feel the couch moving.

Now that the boys were settled down Aizawa sat down at the dining room table. Taking this opportunity to look at the papers given to him last night.

Katsuki Bakugou

3 Years Old

Birthday April 20th


-Neurodivergent (Possible)

-Hard of hearing

-Trouble with speech? Possibly non-verbal

The notes were short on the boys, seeing that it was just a few key information and Aizawa wondered if maybe he would get more papers as his friend investigated the boys' situation. Instead of wondering Aizawa read the notes on the green-haired boy.

Izuku Midoriya

3 Years Old

Birthday July 15


-Neurodivergent (Possibly Autistic?)

-Hates Bright Light

-Avoids eye contact

And that was it on the two boys, no record of immunization or even official documents. Usually, there was more to go by but this was an emergency placement. Less than 24 hours ago they were surviving on their own. Aizawa trusted that Tsukauchi would bring the rest of the papers some other time and hopefully an update on their situation.

All he knows is that these two survived by themselves at home for a couple of days maybe a week or two. Aizawa paused as he remembered Tsukauchi's words, they were alone with dead bodies. Instantly scenarios appeared in his mind. Did these two see the dead bodies? How long did they stay in the house before going out to look for food? Aizawa's mind stopped the awful thoughts when the doorbell rang.

"Ding Dong!" Izuku yelled out, still looking at the TV.

Aizawa opened the door and it was no other than the man himself, Tsukauchi. The man held a full trash bag in one of his hands, Aizawa assumed it was the kid's clothes.

"Rough morning? You look like you need some coffee!" Tsukauchi smiled brightly at Aizawa before holding out a cup that was in his other hand.

"They told you already?" Aizawa asked as he took the cup from the overly cheerful man. He glanced at the clock in the kitchen at 8:32.

"About those two runaways?" Tsukauchi asked rhetorically as he pointed to the two kids on the couch.

Bakugou glared at Tsukauchi, scooting over to Midoriya's side. Izuku glanced at the man for a second before looking at Bakugou who just huffed at him. Izuku started humming to himself and rocking in his seat, his hands that were once idle on his sides were now pushing down on the couch. Bakugou who was only biting his nails earlier now had his thumb in his mouth chewing softly.

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