chapter 42 : cuddling couple

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finally we're officially discharged

I'm so lucky to be part of the SU family. when I got home. my room is full of gifts, chocolate, teddy bears, letters, ballon, flower & etc. wishing for my fast recovery.

as soon as I finished fixing & organizing the gifts I decided to visit dwayne

dwayne room is also full of gifts from our co SU-lites & he doesn't know where to start.

"haha our room are crowded babe" sai said "yeah" dwayne reply & he looked trouble

"want me to help you organized everything? I already finished mine though, so I'm totally free?" sai said "

"I don't want to trouble you so -" sai cut him off "you're not giving me a trouble. I'm here because I wanted to help you"

"how about you? I heard from kris your room is packed of gifts also" dwayne said "I already finished mine babe. so I'm totally free. so can I help my boyfriend now please :) ?.."

dwayne smiled "okay I lose. please babe. can I ask for your help? can you help me fix & organized this stuff, I'm not really good at this things" dwayne said & sai chuckle

"game!" dwayne & sai fix all of the present given by their co SU-lites

"all of these love letter comes from all of the girls in SU. should I also start writing a love letter dwayne?" sai said while holding & reading the senders name

dwayne looked at sai but he's not listening, he saw sai neck because she ties her hair.

he can see her neck sweating & he looked away blushing 'shit. sai you're so damn hot & sexy' he said to himself.

dwayne stand up & get a towel in his cabinet. he search for the face towel section & picked up the white towel.

dwayne walks towards sai & sits infront of her. but sai didn't notice dwayne presence because she's busy reading the senders names of the letter dwayne received.

dwayne pouts & gently lift sai face "I'm jealous. you're so busy reading those letters & you didn't even realize my presence"

dwayne gently wipes sai sweat in her face & neck "you shouldn't let your sweat dry, you'll get sick if you do" sai sweetly smile & kissed dwayne lips

dwayne blush "thank you" sai said "your -" sai kissed dwayne lips again & she started laughing so hard

dwayne looked at sai "you're so cute when you're-" dwayne takes his revenge by stealing a kiss in sai lips

sai didn't expect that dwayne will do the same. her face reddened so brightly & she blinked her eyes 3 times while staring at dwayne face

"no. you're the cute one" dwayne said "dway -" dwayne kiss her lips again "my revenge" dwayne said & softly chuckle

sai covers her face "babe don't be shy" he gently takes away sai hand from her face, still giggling

"I want to see your face so don't hide it from me. please"

sai nodded & dwayne hugs her around her shoulder "I love you so much" sai bury her face in dwayne chest "I love you too"

after they finished fixing dwayne stuff they decided to go in the living room to rest

"should I order some pizza, chicken, carbonara & drinks?" dwayne asked & sai nodded "then I'll pick the movie that we're going to watch"

dwayne gave her the ok sign & he dial the delivery service "babe I picked the movie of the notebook" sai said

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