New life, new me? ~

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I wake up to the sun shining through the curtains on my face, my eyes flutter open to the sight of a muscular back staring at me. I slowly raise my head up and look over Armin as he's peacefully sleeping. I contemplated waking him but decided not to and slowly crept out of the bed. As I get up to leave the bed, I catch a glance of myself in the mirror at my bedside. My hair all over the place yet not exactly messy, my black bra strap sticking out of my shirt and red marks on my face from me pressing my it against the edge of the pillow. I guess I had a good sleep, waking up like this felt so much more better. My back didn't hurt, my nose wasn't blocked from dust and best of all, I didn't have to wake up extremely early to work. I got out of bed and walked into the bathroom trying not to make any noise. The cold white tiles kissing my feet each step I took until I stopped at the sink. I looked around the bathroom, I didn't really know what was going to happen today, maybe I would stay home with Armin and have fun with him or something. I don't really have a clear idea of what people do when they stay home except for watching TV and reading, at least thats what I saw the Duponts do. The DuPont's daughter would stay in her room all day long, only occasionally coming downstairs to eat or grab some snacks. Her room was always so dirty and smelt way worse than she looked, no offence but she was almost as big as her dad, I still never understood how she was dating so many boys.

Anyway, enough about them. I started to undress myself since the only right thing to do at this moment was to take a shower but the bath tub was really tempting. Maybe Armin would allow me right, I thought to myself. After some thinking I turned on the tap and filled the bath tub with water, a little bit over half way. As the water was running I poured some random soap lying around into it, it was some Dove soap, to create a relaxing bubble bath. It looked exactly like the one I used when I was with the Duponts. I fully undressed myself and slowly climbed into the bath, submerging myself up to my neck into the warm bubbly water. I perch myself up onto the edge of bath facing the window, looking out onto the amazing scenery. As I'm looking out into the scenery, I hear a door close behind me. I snap my head around and see Armin standing in the door way staring back at me with his slightly red puffy eyes. "Think I could join you?" He asks curiously. "Uh..sure, why not?" I reply with a smile. As soon as I gave him permission he started to remove his boxers in front of me. He didn't even warn me or anything and I watched as his boxers dropped to the ground, my head whipped back around. I stared out the window trying to distract my mind from what his naked body even though I have seen it before. I suddenly felt his hard chest pressing against my back, and also something else pressed against the side of my butt. He really likes coming up behind me but I'm not complaining. His arms were resting on my waist as we admired the view together in comforting silence.

"I wish I could stay with you all day today but I have to go to work." He says in a whiny voice. "It's alright, you're probably always busy anyway." He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me down onto his lap. As I laid back on him with his head resting in the crook of my neck, I fully felt it this time. His length pressed up almost half way up my lower back. "No, I don't think it's alright. I promised to be here, for you." He softly says in my ear. I don't know what it is about his voice that always sent chills down my spine but was also calming. "Don't you have work to go to? Isn't a bath time consuming?" I question. I don't plan to stay in this bath for so long but neither should he. "I'm the boss, I can come whenever I want." He says as he turns my neck upwards towards his. Our lips almost touching, in this small but big moment, he stares into my eyes for a while before I feel his hands moving up my waist to my stomach and cupping my boobs, I rest my hands on his in a mimicked gesture, leaning back and resting my head on his shoulder. "What will I do when you leave for work, I don't want to be home alone." Honestly, I didn't really care about wether I was bored or not, I just didn't want him to leave me. Maybe he would forget about me when he goes to work or he'll just leave me here and never come back. I'm probably over thinking it, I can trust him, he hasn't hurt me and he loves me so maybe he won't leave me.

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