William's Secret Box

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In our school, there was hardly anyone who didn't know William. Even those who knew nobody were familiar with William. He had big round eyes, long ears, and untidy hair. Whenever he walked fast or spoke in a busy way, it reminded us of lobsters for some reason.

Not that he was foolish. When it came to arithmetic, especially difficult multiplication and division problems, his brain worked rather well. But there were also times when he enjoyed tricking us with such well-thought-out plans that we were left embarrassed and stunned.

At that time William or William Harvey joined our school, Charles was famous as the 'best boy' of our class. One day, William approached Charles to ask him the meaning of an English word. Charles snapped at him without any reason, saying, " Do I have to help someone else with maths, the next day another one would come to me with a new request.

William angrily replied, "Hey, you are such a petty  little rascal."
Charles immediately complained to David sir, " That new boy is calling me names." David sir gave William such a telling-off that the poor fellow just went quiet.William thought that he had to take revenge on Charles.

David Thompson taught us English. Charles was his favourite student.
While lecturing, Whenever he needed to refer to the textbook, David would get it from Charles. One day, while teaching us grammar, he asked Charles for the book .Our friend immediately handed him the green-covered-wrapped grammar book . As he opened it, David asked grimly, "Whose book is this"?
Flushed with pride Charles replied, "Mine".
David said," Hmm, is this a new edition? The ent On one occasion, just after the vacations, William came to school with a very large interesting box.
David asked him," What's in that box,  William?"
He replied, " My things, sir ".
A little debate ensued among us regarding what these 'things' were.
We noticed William had always school items on his desk- books, notebooks, pencil and blade. Instead, he clutched the box to his chest and said, " I am warning you all. Don't ever mess with my box". Then, he opened the box with a key and peeked inside, while mumbling some calculations.
Soon, this became a hot topic of discussion for the rest of us. Some suggested, " It could be his money bag. It must contain a lot of cash that is why he never parts with it ."

During lunch one day, William gave me the key to the box and said, "Keep this with you and make sure you don't lose it.
If I get a little late in returning, please hand the key over to the watchman before you all go to the classroom."
With that he went away, leaving the box with the watchman.

Shortly thereafter, the watchman lit his stove to make rotis and went to the water tap with a few utensils.This the moment that we had been waiting for. Five to seven of us boys bent over the box. I opened it and saw a fat bundle of papers rolled tightly using a string. Quickly untying the knot, we found another paper bundle inside, which in turn carried yet another small paper bundle.
On opening that, a card popped out. One side of the card said ' Eat a green banana', while the other side had the words " Excessive curiosity is not good".
We were shocked and speechless. Another boy said, " Let's tie it up exactly the way it was, so he won't know that we'd opened it. We quickly rolled up all the papers with the string and dropped the bundle inside the box.
We heard a loud laughter. That's was William. He had seated on top of the school wall, laughing insanely. He had been watching us the whole time.
It was a William's elaborate prank.


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