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Thirty years later,

Now sitting among those who loved and respected her father, Kyla sat next to her crying mother as her father lay to rest in his tomb, which was on the stage where the young King stood as well.

Standing before his military and Command in Chief Hayes's family, the young King of Poural spoke.

"Today we gather to say our goodbyes to not just the Commander in Chief of the Poural Kingdom military, but to a friend, a mentor, a leader, a father, a husband, a soldier, and an inspiration," he began. "Commander in Chief Hayes was a dedicated soldier who lost much but never gave up no matter how much he lost," he continued. "he stood tall, and he forged forward to make a needed change happen no matter what it cost him," he said. "thanks to him, our military has changed for the better understanding that a soldier is more than just that. They have voices and feelings that shouldn't be ignored," he stated. "peace is precious, and thanks to him, many lost souls have found the light again. He truly was an inspiration to not only me but to us all, so now may he rest in peace as we, the future generation, carry on his legacy and work into the future."

Ending his speech, the young King turned the coffin where four soldiers were standing at each side and nodded to them.

Receiving their orders, they folded the Poural kingdom flag that was rested on the coffin and neatly placed Commander in Chief Hayes's military hat and medals on top of it before handing it all to General Ford, who received it and went to give it to Commander in Chief Hayes's family, who was sitting in the front row.

Drying her tears, Commander in Chief Hayes's wife received it, and General Ford stepped back, allowing the trumpets to start playing to honour his service and wrap up the funeral.

With the funeral now over, Kyla and her mother returned to the Hayes estate along with General Ford, who accompanied them.

Helping Commander in Chief Hayes's wife sit on the edge of her bed, General Ford left her be and accompanied Kyla back to the living room, where she gravitated towards the panting of their family hanging proudly over the fireplace.

She remembered those happy times as if they were yesterday.

Her father may have been a busy man, but he never forgot his family.

He cherished them and taught her the importance of standing up for good and what she believed in.

It was because of his shining example that she became a doctor and dedicated her life to helping others in need and becoming their strength.

She too, wanted to be an inspiration to others and bring about good change for future generations.

"He was truly a great man," said General Ford, looking at the portrait as well.

Kyla looked at him, and he smiled at her.

"As the new Commander in Chief of the Poural Kingdom military, I vow to you that I will honour your father's work and legacy," he promised. "I won't forget his teachings."

Kyla smiled, grateful. "Thank you," she said. "remember you can always ask me for help when you need it."

"I won't forget," replied General Ford. "feel free to call me if you both need anything. I will be going now."

Watching General Ford leave, Kyla was at peace, knowing her father's work and efforts were in good hands.

With him leading the military and the young King, who was one of his students, leading the Poural kingdom, things would be okay, so all she had to do now was be strong for her mother.

Felling a gentle hand on her back, Kyla glanced beside her to see her mother standing at her side and looking up at the portrait with wet eyes.

"Mother," she called softly.

Kyla's mother looked at her and smiled. "My sweet child," she said, sweetly brushing a gentle hand on Kyla's cheek before dropping it. "has General Ford left already?"

"Yes. He said we could call him whenever we needed him, and he promised that as the new Commander in Chief, he would honour father's work and efforts," she said. "I too vow to do my best."

Kyla's mother just looked back at the portrait. "Your father, he..." she trailed off, searching for her words. "he was unable to save his friend from stepping over the line between good and bad, but he could bring the change he wished for even if he wouldn't be there to see it," she said. "he gave his all to bring about the change that was desperately needed, but that doesn't mean that you have to do the same," she then said, looking back at her daughter. "even though you are your father's daughter and you bear the name of his friend's unborn child, you have no obligation to become like him, and neither does anyone else."

Kyla smiled. "I know, but I still want to be an inspiration and support to others like he was," she said, determined. "I know I can't be my father; no one can, but I can do what only I can do if I don't give up."

Kyla's mother smiled proudly. "Then, as always, I will be wishing you all the best, and if you ever feel tired, just know that you can always return," she said. "you will always have a home to return to, Kyla."

Touched Kyla hugged her mother. "Thank you, mother. I love you."

Her mother just held her back tightly. "I love you too, my dear," she said fondly. "we both do and will always will."

Sending her daughter out into the world again days later, Mrs. Hayes could only pray that her husband look over her and wait for her return as she always did.

No matter how much time passed, she would always find her way home to her own healing light.

Until then, she was determined to become the one who lit the path for those threatening to step over the line.

Her father's work and efforts would never fade, and his comrades' sacrifices wouldn't be in vain.

That much she could be sure of.

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