We layed there for about 15 minutes when michael said "baby I'm bored!!" And he sat up "what do you want to do?" "Ummm.......I don't know!!" "Come on mikey you need to help me out here!!!!" "How about we dance again!!" "Haha ok" I laughed as I got up and michael pulled me close to him and started to slow dance "baby there's no music" "I know I figured it would be romantic " he smiled "well it is " I laughed "but do you know what would be more romantic?"michael laughed "what?" I smiled " beating my super hot girlfriend at cod " he Ran to the Xbox and turned it on as I laughed and followed "Yeah you are so romantic epically since I'll be the one winning!!" I laughed "we will just half to see about that!!!" He said as we started the game 3 hours later it was 10pm and we had played over and over and over again he won mostly but I didn't really care we just laughed about as he teased me and on the last time we played Michal won and got up and started dancing "I won!I won !" Then he stopped and smiled "I'll be back!" He yelled as he ran to his room I just sat there laughing and thinking to myself "GOD I'M SO LUCKY" I sat there for 5 minutes that's when I started wondering what michael was doing then I heard music playing from his room so I got up to see why I opened the bedroom door only to see michael standing looking at me with a smile in a room of lit candles "wow What's this for?" I smiled "you!" He said as he pulled me to him "I love it!!" "I wanted our first time to be special" he smiled as he picked me up and I wrapped my legs around Him "I love you michael" I said beforr we started kissing
I woke up in Michaels bed snuggled against him I didn't want to wake him up so I just layed there and out of nowhere I felt Michaels fingers running through my hair so I looked up at him "good morning" "hey beautiful" he smiled at me then the door started to open it was calum "Oh ......hey......ok this time I know something happened were you safe?" "GET OUT" michael yelled at calum then me and mikey laughed then I grabbed the blanket at the end of the bed and wrapped it around me as I got up and walked to the other side of the room and got my shirt "WAIT" michael begged "put this on" he tossed me his greenday shirt I laughed and put it on and it went past my but so I just dropped the blanket once it was on then michael put his underwear on under the blanket and got up and blew out all the candles that were still burning then walked over to me and kissed me then he put on pants and grabbed my hand and brought me to the kitchen he picked me up and put me on the counter