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*skae came running to her class and searched for a seat.
Skae pov
Ah a window seat. I'll take that. Seems like that seat is pretty good
*A girl walks near to skae and ask's in surprise
Cher: huh! Skae what r u doing here?
Skae :oh! Cher... Finally there is someone
That I know .
Cher: Yay....
Skae: so what bought you here! I thought u
Went to States for higher studies
Cher:yeah but I liked being here with my
Skae: oh that's good....
*Taehyun walk inside the classroom waving at Skae.
Taehyun:hey skae!
Skae :hey...
Taehyun:wait.... Cher!!... What the... I thought
u would be at States...
Cher:hehehe...Terry.... Well how do you guys
know each other?
Taehyun: well we met at the Bus .
Cher : wait what about the rest . Are those
crackheads joining here only?
Taehyun:you mean TXT?
Cher:yaaay..... I'm happy...
Skae:how do u guys know each other? You
guys seem pretty close?
Cher: Yeah.... We know each other since we
were born.... In short we were
Skae :oh that's good....
Cher:well which class are they in?
Taehyun: oh they are in room 11 I guess
Cher :that's bad..... We could have been
*bell rings.....
Tr:good morning class.... Welcome to Gangam high and I'll be your homeroom teacher Mrs. Han hae-na😉
So get ready with your books.

Skae POV

No this is so boring.... Why is time moving so slow...... I wish this class would end soon so I could roam around the school....
Wait is someone looking at me...

POV ends

*Skae looks behind and See's Taehyun looking at her.....
Hey Skae.... Skae....
Skae:Do you want something?
Taehyun: come with me after this class.
Skae: huh! Me? Why?
Taehyun:just do that
Skae:hmm ok
Taehyun:*gives a big grin
*bell rings and the class ends
Students starts to chatter and giggle The class is not silent anymore... In short a zoo will be more silent than this class
Taehyun:c'mon skae...
Skae: yup I'm coming..
Cher : where r u guys going?
Skae: I don't know... Terry called me.
Cher : wait I'll join you guys
Taehyun:oh was that needed Cher
*he tells in a funny manner
Cher: what if you scare my friend away?
Taehyun:I'm not as creepy as you..
Cher:ah... Shutup Terry..
Taehyun:Cher is a creep.... Cher is the
creepiest person alive
*Cher started hitting Taehyun on his head
Cher: I said stop it
Taehyun:It hurts...
Cher :oh does it.... Then bear with it.
Skae:huh guys will you stop fighting
Taehyun: Anything for my love...
Cher:You're such a flirt... Now see who is a
Taehyun:alright I'll stop..
Skae:huh.... Where are you taking us Terry?
Taehyun:hmmm... Just to a coffee shop. I
heard they have the best coffee
Skae:oh is it?
Cher:don't trust him. He have a weird taste
in food ....
Taehyun: cmon guys let's go

Author:hey babygirls excited for the next chapter? Scroll down honey


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