25 1 0

*Skae , Cher and Taehyun gets into a very cute cafe . They sat near the window

Skae:this is so cute.... Ah the decorations are 
           so  good....

Taehyun:yeah I know ryt

Cher:well it's good

Taehyun:what do you guys want? The treat 
                  is on me ..

Skae:oh.. That's not needed... I'll pay for it

Taehyun:Is it bcoz you are so rich you 
                   That you wanna pay for it?
                  You are my friend. Friends never                      talk like that. Look at Cher she
                    never pays for anything and we
                    don't have any issues
Cher: I think now I'm gonna make an issue   
            Terry. Skae don't believe him. I also 
           used to spend some money...

Skae:ok guys.. Now stop fighting...

Cher: Terry you are such a pain ...

Taehyun :*smirks at her
            What you guys want?

Cher: hmm... I'll have chocolate donuts and a                                           

Taehyun: what about you skae?

Skae: Just a coffee . That's more than enough            for me.

Taehyun:are you sure?

Skae : yup!

Taehyun:ok I'll go order it. You guys can sit

Cher: skae! 1 min. I got a call.

Skae: it's ok.. Take your time

     * as cher walks outside the caffe Skae starts taking snaps of the caffe . That's when a guy with a wolfcut move towards skae and starts staring her
😶‍🌫: hey who are you? Why are you taking
       pictures of  me and him ?
Skae:huh! What? I'm taking pictures of this
          caffe and my friend. I didn't take your 
😶‍🌫:oh friend! Scince when? Don't you know         taking pictures of a person without his
       approval is a crime? Are you a pervert?

Skae:seriously! See he is my friend. If
          you  think that I'm lying you can
           ask  him directly .

Taehyun:hey...hey..whats the issue?
😶‍🌫:Terry! See this girl is taking pictures of us

Skae:No! Don't take it in that manner Terry

Taehyun:Gyu... Stop.... She is my friend.


Beomgyu:huh? Your... What?

Taehyun:my friend...

Skae:see now do you believe.... Now see who
           Is the real pervert here


Skae:aren't you going to apologize?

Beomgyu:huh! What? Why should I
                  apologize to you?

Skae:huh! You are the one who created all
          This issue's. So apologize.

Beomgyu:No I won't. It's your fault. You were
                   The one who acted all sneaky and 
                   Pervert. So why should I?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30 ⏰

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