POV: You reunite with SKZ when they come home from tour.

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Chan:You can't help the nerves churning in your stomach as you wait for him to arrive at your apartment. The weeks have dragged by, every second you've been separated piling up and weighing you down, but now that you're about to see him again, you have no idea how to act. A sharp knock at the door shakes you from your thoughts and your heart jumps to your throat. When you look through the peephole, you see him standing casually, his hands clasped behind his back and a gentle smile on his lips. Butterflies erupt in your stomach as your body immediately reacts to his proximity, and you wrench the door open, unable to keep yourself from him for a single second more. Your arms wrap around his neck, pulling him to you, and you feel his arms circle your waist with the same intensity. He buries his face in your hair, inhaling your scent for the first time since he left and a contended sigh passes his lips. "Y/n..."he whispers, his fingers pressing into your back. "I'm never leaving you again. I can't." Tears well in your eyes and your heart swells feeling him in your arms again. Words seem pointless in expressing everything you're feeling, so instead you pull back and study him, memorizing his features all over again, before placing your hand gently on his cheek. He leans into you, his eyes closing softly, and the unspoken emotions flow freely between you like a current. "Can I kiss you?" you breathe. His eyes flutter open and a smile curves the corners of his mouth. "You never have to ask." He replies, his eyes shining.

Lee Know: The gray tabby circles your legs as you wait, his orange brothers sleeping soundly across the room. Dori's purs calm your nervous mind as you focus on the sound, the tips of your fingers gently brushing along his silky fur. Electronic beeps sound for the door, and you know he's on the other side. Adrenaline floods your system and you hold your breath, staring at the door along with three other pairs of curious eyes. A startled "Oh!" escapes his lips when he enters and you can't help the smile that spreads across your face. It's difficult to surprise this man, but you've managed it and pride fills your chest. He quarks an eyebrow at you and laughs lightly, a smile pulling at the corners of his mouth. "Surprise!" You say, holding your hands out as if to indicate you're the surprise. He rolls his eyes, but drops his bags, slamming the door closed behind him, as he rushes to you. His arms wrap around you and he lifts you, spinning you around as his squeezes the air from your lungs. You squirm in protest, but you know you love it. When he sets you down, air rushes to fill your lungs, his familiar dark scent washing over you and you finally feel like you're home His fingers thread into your hair, his other hand gently cupping your cheek. "If I remember correctly, we were in the middle of something before I left...now where were we?" That's all the warning you get before his lips are crushing against yours, hot and hungry.

Changbin: Muffled screams filter through the tinted windows as you watch the crowd part slightly, allowing the security guards to shuffle the men through. Annoyance creeps up in your chest at the fans reaching out to touch them as they pass, but you shove it down as the door slides open. Lee Know gets in first, waving happily as he gets settled. Next is I.N, and then Chan in the front seat. Finally, Changbin's familiar face comes into view as he climbs into the van. Shock spreads across his features for a moment and then he tackles you, laying you out across the back seat. Screams roar from outside before Chan quickly closes the door. "What are you doing here?" Changbin says as he peppers your face with kisses. His body is heavy against yours, but you're definitely not complaining, and you're in no rush for him to move. "I just couldn't wait to see you." you reply. "God, I'm so glad you're here." He whispers, his breath fanning against your neck, causing heat to rise in your cheeks. You rake your fingers through his hair and he shivers, leaning down to capture your lips in his. But before he does, someone clears their throat, clearly annoyed. "Can this wait? Some of us have people we want to get home to." Of course it's Lee Know complaining, but Changbin doesn't mind. He laughs, pulling himself upright and quickly buckles up as you do the same. You spend the drive listening to the guys share stories from tour; all the while, your hand is tightly grasped by him, your fingers intertwined. And you notice that your heart beats a little more steady than it has since he left.

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