POV: You meet SKZ in a club for the first time (you don't know they're famous)

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Warning: mature content, 18+

Recommended Song: Goddess by Hatchrr, Deathrose


The liquid burns as it goes down and the heat almost instantly spreads through your limbs, loosening your tight muscles and mind. Music thumps and your friends laugh next to you but as you set your glass down, you can only see him. Across the club, dark eyes meet yours and you watch as a smile creeps at the corners of his mouth before turning into a full on grin. A new heat is coursing through your body, but it has nothing to do with the alcohol.

Getting to your feet, you feel yourself being pulled toward him, like the force of magnets, and you can't stop your body from moving toward him. He sets his drink down and you watch as he moves through the crowd until you finally meet among the gyrating bodies on the dance floor. His smile is somehow even more devastating up close, and your breath catches in your throat.

He leans in, his lips brushing the shell of your ear, sending goosebumps down the back of your neck as he speaks.  "I'm Chris, I don't normally do this, but do you want to go somewhere quieter and talk?" His hand finds your waist, a feather light touch that ignites something in your core and all you can do is nod in agreement.

"Words, pretty girl." He rasps, his fingers curing into your waist gently. You swallow hard before responding. "Yes, I'd like that." You choke out, still reeling from his words. He smirks and draws his hand down your arm, gently grasping your fingers and leading you along behind him as he heads toward the doors of the balcony.

•Lee Know•

A single bead of sweat trails down your neck and between your breasts, disappearing beneath the low cut fabric of your skimpy black dress. Your hips sway to the beat, your hands swirling in the hair above your head as you embody the music.

A hand lands softly on your hip as you feel someone step up behind you, matching the movements of your hips with their own, mere millimeters from touching your ass. You drop your hands immediately and try to turn to tell them to get fucking lost, but his other hand finds the junction between your shoulder and neck holding you in place. "Don't turn around. Just dance." His words are like molten lava warming you from the inside out and you freeze. "Keep going." He urges, his breath fanning against your hair. Your mind wars with how incredibly rude it is for him to put his hands on you but the butterflies filling your stomach compel you on anyway.

Without permission, your hips begin to move and after a moment, you can't help but press your body back against him. Your bodies are seamed together, moving in tandem as the heavy bass rattles in your chest. His hand leaves your shoulder and slips down your back, around your hip and firmly plants on your lower stomach, pulling you back into him even further. Heat gathers between your legs as you raise your hand behind you to cup the back of his neck, your head falling back to his shoulder.

Your eyelids flutter shut as you sink deeper into him. His lips skate against your neck, barely connecting with your skin, before he nips lightly at the shell of your ear. "What's your name?" He finally whispers, the sound making your knees weak.


"Come on, Love, it's not going to hurt you to dance with me. Let's go." His hand grasps your wrist tightly, pulling you away from the bar. Your stomach roils, your body screaming to get as far away from this stranger as possible, and you pull against his hold. He laughs, sending a chill down your spine. "I do like a fighter." He leers at you as he grips you tighter, the bones of your wrist protesting painfully.

Your heart is racing now, why aren't you screaming at him to get away? But you're frozen, like a deer in headlights, terror pooling in your eyes. Suddenly, his movement stops as an arm circles your waist and you look down to see fingers peeling the creep's hand from your wrist. "Sorry man, she's spoken for. Please leave us alone." The confidence in his voice stops the other man in his tracks and he narrows his eyes. "Yeah, whatever." He spits over his shoulder as he disappears in the crowd.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23 ⏰

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