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Seungcheol drove his new black rolls Royce on the streets of Seoul.

Seungcheol was loving the new car smell, enjoying the car a little too much, to the point he didn't see someone crossing the road.

A thud was heard as Seungcheol stops his car.

"Shit!" He cursed. Full-on panick mode, if his Dad finds out his dead meat.

Seungcheol gets out of the car, he could see the person he hit was a boy.

Seungcheol looks around to see if there anyone who saw the accident luckily no one was there apart from them.

He picks up the boy, placing him in the car's back, heading to a hospital.

Seungcheol gets the boy medical attention.

"Doctor is he fine? Is the injury bad?" Seungcheol could see the two nurses behind the doctor scrunch their noses in disgust while looking at the boy.

"Mr Choi his fine, luckily the car did hit him hard but soon he wakes up he might be in pain, on top of that his dehydrated, lacking of vitamins and minerals, he's malnourished too."

Seungcheol felt bad for the boy. The doctor prescribes medications before leaving them alone.

Seungcheol saw the boy move a little meaning his awake.

"Hi?" Seungcheol greets the now fully awaken boy. "Hello." The boy greets back as Seungcheol helps him sit up.

"May I know your name?" The boy looked at him in a questioning manner.

"Yoon Jeonghan."
"I'm Choi Seungcheol, 25 years old." Seungcheol smiles at Jeonghan who weirdly looks at him.

The ward room opens.
"Mr Choi may I have a word with you?" The doctor asked.
"Sure, I'll be back Jeonghan." Seungcheol pats Jeonghan's head.

"Yes doctor?" Seungcheol said immediately as they got out of the ward room.
"We ran some few tests and found out that the patient is a carrier."
Seungcheol confusingly looked at the doctor.
"Carrier?" The doctor nods.
"He can bare children." "Oh, can I get his discharge paper?" "Sure thing."

Seungcheol goes back inside the ward room.
"Hey Jeonghan." Jeonghan waves his hand. Seungcheol takes a sit next to Jeonghan.

"Can I take you home with me?" Seungcheol hopefully asks. Jeonghan shook his head indicating a 'no'. "Why not?"

"My babies." "Babies?" Jeonghan nods.
"I want my babies first."
"If we get your babies will you come with me?"
"Will my babies come too?" Seungcheol hesitantly nods.
'Who knew he already had kids'

Seungcheol got Jeonghan discharged.
Jeonghan directs Seungcheol were they could find his 'babies'

They enter an abandoned building.
"Jeonghan should I come with you?" Jeonghan nods.

Jeonghan smiles runs up to a group of boys who are sitting on boxes.

Seungcheol sighs, rubbing his temples
'I really thought he had kids."

"Hyungie." The three boys run to Jeonghan embrace him.

"Who's the man?" One of them asked.
"Seungcheol." Jeonghan motioned him to come closer.

"This is Seungcheol." Jeonghan introduced him.
"And this are my babies-" "hyung" one of them whines,
"As I was saying my babies, Jihoon Minghao and Seungkwan."

"Hello" Seungcheol respectfully bowed. Jihoon looks at Seungcheol up and down, 'judging by his clothes his most definitely wealthy.'

Jeonghan whispers something only for them to here. Their eyes widen.

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