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Jeonghan tiptoes to Seungkwan's room.
"Seungkwan." "Oh, Hyung come in."

Seungkwan opens the door fully, Jeonghan smiles upon seeing his friends.
"Hey guys, don't know there's a meeting." Jeonghan joked.

All four of them sat on a carpet near the bed.
"I saw that Seungcheol guy coming out of the room you stay in." Minghao said. "And why is that?" Jihoon asked  demanding an answer from Jeonghan.

Jeonghan chuckles nervously.
"Seungcheol offered me ₩20 million." Jeonghan got straight to the point.
"Wah! ₩20 million." Seungkwan surprisingly said.
"₩20 million, for what exactly?" Minghao asked.

"It's an offer and I need you help should I accept or decline it?"
"Hyung you should totally accept it's ₩20 million, we don't get to see that amount of money everyday." Seungkwan stated which was the true.
"Jihoon? Minghao?" Jeonghan seeks his friends opinion.
"Seungkwan is right we don't get to see ₩20 million everyday, so accept the offer." Minghao states.
"Accept it , I hope it's nothing bad hyung."
Jeonghan shook his head.

"GROUP HUG!" Seungkwan suddenly yelled. They get in a group hug embracing each other.

A knock was heard. "I'll get it." Minghao walks towards the door and opens it.
Chaewon bows , "dinner is ready please come down." She announces.
"Ok we'll be there." Jeonghan said. Chaewon bows again and leaves.
"Honestly hyung I'm loving this place." Seungkwan confesses. Jeonghan ruffles his hair. "Let's go my little ones."
Jeonghan links his right hand with  Seungkwan's and his left hand with minghao's.
Minghao was about to hold Jihoon's hand when Jihoon shook his head.
"No, let's head down." He said.

The four finally reached the dining area after a series of getting lost.
They enter the dining area to Seungcheol talking on his phone.

"Josh, maybe next and if not you guys can come tomorrow okay?"

Seungcheol ends the call, his attention going towards the four males standing akwardly.
"Come and sit down." He gestures.

Seungcheol sat at the head of the table with Jeonghan and Jihoon on his right and his left with Seungkwan and minghao.

Seungcheol start digging in the delicious korean cuisines.

Jeonghan and minghao felt overwhelm so much food , they have never seen this much food before.

Jihoon suspiciously eyes Seungcheol and the food on the table, 'he might be trying to poison us.' Jihoon thought again 'if his trying to poison us, I don't think he will be eating.'
Jihoon shrugs serving food for himself, after all he wasn't eaten in two days and the last thing he had was leftover kimbap roll, which he shared with his friends.

Seungkwan wasted no time, filling his plate with almost everything on the table. Seungkwan stuffs his face with rice. He glances at Seungcheol he is thankful Seungcheol took them in.

"Jeonghan eat."
Seungcheol takes a small sized bowl filling it with some jjajangmyeon and places it infront of Jeonghan.
Jeonghan looks at the bowl and back to Seungcheol.
"Eat." He simply said his tone dripping of seriousness, Jeonghan felt his body shiver a little.
Jeonghan grabs the chopsticks on the side, 'can't remember the last time I used this.' He inspects the silver metal chopsticks.

"Fork?" Seungcheol hands Jeonghan a fork which he gladly accepts. Jeonghan twirls the fork in the jjajangmyeon bringing into his mouth.
"Is it good?" Seungcheol directly asked Jeonghan. "It's absolutely delicious." Seungkwan answered before Jeonghan could even open his mouth.
Jeonghan felt little embarrassed the fact that his friends are using chopsticks and his using a fork.

After dinner, Seungcheol leads the four to the living room.
Seungkwan sat carefreely on the single sofa with his legs on the coffee table, he was definitely loving it. Meanwhile Jeonghan, Jihoon and Minghao sat on one couch looking around awkwardly.

Minutes of silence, you could literally hear a heart beat.
Seungcheol clear his throat indicating his about to speak.
"my friends will be coming by tomorrow , is it okay?"
"It's your place anyways." Jihoon said.
Seungcheol nods.

"Jeonghan?" Seungcheol calls out.
Jeonghan attention diverts to Seungcheol.
"Your leg , does it hurt?"
"A bit, not much." Seungcheol hums.

Seungkwan was struggling to keep his eyes open. "Seungwon?"
Seungkwan snaps his head towards where Seungcheol was sitting, glaring at him.
"It's Seungkwan, Boo Seungkwan." He said with sassiness lynched in his voice.
Seungcheol lightly chuckles. "Sorry Seungkwan-shi....it's late get some rest." Seungcheol stood up as well as the four closely following behind.
Jeonghan made sure his friends entered their rooms , before going to knock on Seungcheol's door.

Seungcheol opens the door. "Need anything?" "I accept your offer Seungcheol."
Seungcheol stares blankly at Jeonghan before smiling.
"Let's talk tomorrow, right know you need rest." Seungcheol pats Jeonghan's head. "Good night Jeonghan-shi." "Good night Seungcheol."

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