Chapter 1

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After the events that unfolded with her friends who became the villain Gang of Secrets, Marinette knew she couldn't keep her secret forever. She put her friends in danger because of her secret. She had gotten them akumatized because she was so afraid of everything. The only thing she felt was guilt.

When she told her friends about her break up with Luka, she wasn't telling the full truth.

She could have told Alya that she was Ladybug. She wouldn't have to be as alone anymore.

Even though she didn't tell Alya the whole truth, she had made a sedition as the girls were standing up to leave. She made eye contact with Juleka, tilting her head slightly and giving her a small nod.

The goth girl got the message and stayed back with the bluenette as the others left the room.

Rose paused for a moment and looked back over her shoulder. "Jules? Are you coming?" She asked the other girl who shook her head.

"Go on Rose, I'm gonna stay here for a little while longer." Juleka shifted her gaze from Marinette and back to Rose. "Don't worry Rose, it's fine. Just go already before you're parents loose their shit."

That last comment made both Rose and Marinette start giggling uncontrollably. Neither of them had ever heard Juleka say a cuss word before in their lives! So cut them some slack for goodness sake!

Once the laughter had finally died down and Rose had left, albeit while stilling giggling quietly to herself every few seconds, Juleka turned around and faced her blue-haired classmate.

"So what's on your mind Nettie?" The taller girl asked her as she took a seat next to Marinette on her bed.

The pigtailed bluenette sighed softly and stared down at her lap, her hands clenching tightly into fists as unshed tears gathered in the corners of her eyes.

"I-I... I wasn't telling you girls the entire truth earlier. But I'm afraid that things between us will change if I were to tell you." Marinette's shoulders trembled and tears were streaming down her face like a waterfall. Juleka reached out and pulled the sobbing girl closer to her.

Juleka felt her own eyes start to water, but she refused to let them fall. Her friend needed her right now and Juleka were stay with her for as long as she needed.

"How would our friendship be changed?" Juleka asked in a near-silent whisper. "What are you talking about Nettie?"

The bluenette rubbed furiously at her eyes and took a shuttering breath. "I have this secret that I have to keep for the safety of everyone. But because of that I have to lie and make excuses to the people I love." She paused to take another deep breath before she began speaking again. "My mentor had drilled into my head from day one that my secret must never be discovered: But it getting harder and harder with each passing day. My secret-keeping is the reason that you girls were Akumatized in the first place."

Juleka's heart broke even more at hearing the last few words that came out of her friend's mouth. It was pretty clear to Juleka that Marinette blamed herself for her friends getting Akumatized.

The purple-haired girl had just opened her mouth to start saying something when another voice spoke up from seemingly out of nowhere.

"Nettie, it's not your fault. Shadow Moth is just an asshole obsessed with power! He's the one to blame here, not you."

Juleka smiled a little bit when her comment about Shadow Moth being an asshole made the blue-haired girl giggle quietly to herself.

If there was one thing that Juleka would not stand for, it was Shadow being a shithead and decide to use Marinette's discard to his advantage! There was no fucking way in hell that Juleka would let that son of a nice anywhere near the pigtailed French-Asian girl.

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