Chapter 3 - Rogue Vampires

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I then awake next to Dean covered in blood and the shirtless donor on top of me, I then gently lay him down on the bed then I walk to my room and go into the shower washing all the blood off of me.

After finishing up my morning routine I then walk back into the room with my towel covering all of my parts I see my thrall laying on the bed studying that book.

I then ask "you know you never told me how you found the book?"

Jacob then caresses his chin trying to remember and he tells me how he kinda just found it lying in my room.

I then ask "so you just found it? In here..?"

He then nods smiling


The mark on my wrist then like starts to burn and as pieces of skin flake away again, suck air in through my teeth trying to get through the pain, i then look at the mark and notice is spreading and as distortions from the marking spread down my arm.

Jacob then runs over to me worried about the mark he then tells me "holy shit!"

I then widen my eyes "what is it!?"

He then tries to explain "it's called the mark of the first.. the mark of the.. oh yeah, mark of prey."

I then shake my head confused "prey? What do you mean?"

Jacob explains "you're one of his prey, he's gonna hunt you and try to kill you."

Before get to speak Dean supernaturally runs into the Pom with us as a burning on his neck is seen to reveal his own mark that's the symbols of my wings but covered in blood and distorted.

The burning then ceases as he tells me that he had a vision to and we need to find out what's happening.

Jacob then gasps "your one of his prey to!?"

He then explains more "every I don't know, hundred years or so or every time someone with such great power that it threatens him and is of vampiric blood he will hunt them down to remain the strongest vampire to walk the overworld.

I then sigh "I just come back from the dead for like the third time and I'm being hunted by the first vampire to ever exist this is ridiculous."

Then suddenly the building starts to raffle a bit as a lamp falls over in my room to which Jacob hurried to try to clean up, we then here shouting outside of the room as Dean quickly coagulations blood ready to attack he opens the door at fast speeds to as I follow to see fledgling vampires with zombie like appearances biting and cannibalizing on the vampires of our coven.

Dean quickly jumps down and rips the head off of one as he coagulates and hardens his blood into a sword and slices the head of another one. Dean then shows up as a pile of bats and tackles one and smashes his head on the floor until his skull shatters.

A vampire then jumps onto the balcony and starts to run towards me but I knew exactly what to do, I conjure roses as vines flow down my arm as long dark roses form in my hands and the petals light up on fire and ash, I send forth burning petals towards the vampire melting his flesh off in seconds as I burn the flesh off of two more vampires as well, I then puncture one of the vampires chests as his body explodes and his guts fly everywhere.

Ashes run through the air as me and others fight our way through, my fingertips turn black as I form more roses in my hands killing every fledgling I see.

I then supernaturally run outside to see a full fledged vampire woman standing in a black dress and red lipstick chuckling at me as I fight my way through the fledglings that ignore her.

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