Chapter 4 - Come Back

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I then rush over to Jacob lying on the ground lifeless as I listen into his heartbeat and hear faint pulses there getting weaker and weaker I then bite my wrist and let it pour into his mouth and I start to bite his neck simultaneously.

The life rushes back into Jacob's veins in the process as he grabs my arms and suckles lots of blood as I moan softly.

Jacob then stops drinking as he opens his eyes and it reveals dark red glowing eyes and veins as he opens his bloody mouth and two fangs are seen.

Without saying a word Jacob supernaturally speeds off into the coven as we follow watching his movements.

He then busts his way into the basement of the building and opens up a freezer full of blood packs he bites his teeth into each of them drinking as many as he needs until satisfied as we watch in the process.

Immediately, red ice starts to form on the walls as red frost forms on Jacob's hands.

I then say "oh my god he's gifted!"

Jacob then smiles as he rubbed his index and thumb fingers together "sure am!"

He then runs over to me at fast speeds and gives me a deep kiss as as I stand there stunned.

He then eventually lets go of me as Sebastian says "well this just got even more interesting."

We all then walk up the stairs as ashes are everywhere floating in the air and things of that nature.
Dean then tells everyone to leave a window open for the night and nobody is to come downstairs until nightfall tomorrow.

I then go up to my room with Jacob as walks into the shower and invites me to join him to which I agree.

He then steps into the shower as I analyze his muscular frame and say "is it just me or becoming a vampire made you more muscular!"

He then laughs "it's not just you."

He then wipes away the blood off of his body as we talk amongst ourselves for the remainder of the shower time.

We then walk back into the room in robes as we lay on the bed together and chat

I then say "so you're finally a vampire, with a seemingly powerful gift, what's next?"

He then shrugs his shoulders I dunno, I'll just go where the night takes me.

He then starts to caress his hands down my arm "but right now, the nights telling me to go all the way with you."

I then ask "are you sure??"

He then nods slowly as he gets on top of me as I lay on my back.

He then grabs lube from the dresser as he moisturizes my hole and starts to slowly slip it inside of me.

He then tells me "I'm gonna start moving okay?"

I then nod as he does exactly what he says and starts to thrust into me as he huffs and puffs a little, he starts to thrust deeply inside of me as he starts to slowly go faster and faster eventually using his vampiric speed to pleasure me.

I start to moan loudly as he thrusts into me as wind picks up in the room from the pleasure he's receiving.

I then grip the blankets as he thrusts into me as he tells me he's about to cum.

I then nod as he starts cums deep inside of me as a burst of ice exudes from him as the candles lit go out.

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