16 - 27 (End)

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Chapter 16

    Only those staff members who knew the inside story were relieved that they no longer had to hide it.

    The others no longer dared to look at Mu Cheng openly and wondered whether they had shown rejection.

    The few spectators who stepped back looked pale and grimaced, secretly saying that it was over.

    Qi Yueming's eyes widened: "You, you..." No words came out for a long time.

    Qin Yi was stunned on the stage. After a while, he gritted his teeth and said, "I didn't say he was not the president of Yun's family, but the position of president is fictitious. He has no real power. No one in Yun's family listens to him.

    " At the end of the day, the door in the middle of the huge stage opened with a bang.

    Countless platform staff walked out from behind the scenes, passed by him, and lined up neatly on the stage, filling the entire stage, facing the instructor's seat in the middle of the stage, where Qi Yueming and Mu Cheng were sitting.

    They looked at Mu Cheng, bowed in unison, and said loudly: "Welcome, Mr. Mu!"

    The sound sounded like a loud bell in the studio, and the lingering sound echoed for a long time before dissipating.

    The spectators and contestants who did not know the truth were shocked.

    Qin Yi, who had no choice but to give way and step down, frowned. With this look, he didn't look like he was being evacuated from his authority. If he had no real power, would this platform be so respectful?

    He was beating a drum in his heart, but still didn't want to believe it.

    Before he could think about it carefully, he suddenly heard the "bang bang" of the side doors opening, and many tall figures in suits and sunglasses poured in from each door. They walked neatly and vigorously. In a moment, they all stood in front of Mu Cheng. Behind the body.

    The badge marks of each of them come from the Yun family.

    It turns out that we saw so many outside just now, so the array of bodyguards does not belong to any artist, but to him?

    If he was just an empty post, how could he be able to force Yun to put on such a big show?

    For a time, the stage was filled with people bowing to Mu Cheng, and the audience was filled with respectful bodyguards. That person was like the scorching sun, the center of the surroundings.

    Some of the people who had shown their rejection of him before were already trembling, their faces were ashen, and they did not dare to express their anger.

    No matter how much Qin Yi lied to himself, he had no choice but to believe it. He only felt that his whole body was cold and he didn't know where he was. In panic, Mu Cheng glanced at him. His body trembled slightly, thinking whether he would explain what he was doing today. here.

    However, the eyes glanced at him and then passed by, as if they were just looking at an ant.

    Mu Cheng's eyes fell on Qi Yueming's face.

    Qi Yueming was still in shock and looked at him in disbelief.

    Mu Cheng rubbed his fingers a few times, and for the first time he spoke slightly: "I...it's a long story, but I really didn't hide it from you on purpose. When you first met me, I did need to work."

    "I know, just now I heard it on the stereo. It's true that you left the Yun family." Qi Yueming said, but... "

    Well, I didn't tell you when I returned to the Yun family, so... don't be angry."

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