The Top Student Is Not Good (1)

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001 issued the task: "The task target, Luo Ran, is a senior high school student. He is a top student with excellent academic performance. He comes from a good family and studies well. His academic performance has been number one since he was a child. He is a typical child from other families.

    He has been obedient and obedient since he was a child. Step by step, he follows the arrangements of his parents and learns various talents in his spare time, such as piano, painting, taekwondo, etc. He is very proficient in it. It can be said that such a good boy has almost no shortcomings.

    He will be admitted to the ideal university with excellent results and obtain various awards. After graduation, he will inherit his family's business and be able to navigate the business world with ease. He will be a young entrepreneur, a favorite of the heavens who will be reported by major business magazines and media, and the glory of the graduating school. In his life, he was originally It's smooth sailing without any setbacks, which is enviable but unattainable."

    Mu Cheng frowned slightly.

    001 continued: "He has always been obedient. The only time he insisted on his own opinion was when his grandmother passed away in his senior year of high school. He had to transfer to the small county town where his grandmother lived. His parents were

    busy, and he was raised by his grandmother when he was a child. The relationship was the best. After his parents took him back to the city to go to school, his grandmother refused to leave and stayed alone in this small county. This year, his grandmother passed away. He must transfer here, otherwise he would not go to school. There was nothing his

    parents could do about him. I had no choice but to agree, but I didn’t have time to come over to study with them, so some servants were arranged to take care of me.

    Unexpectedly, Luo Ran, who left his parents, seemed to have released his nature. He was a good boy on the surface, but he yearned for freedom and looseness in his heart. In his life, due to an accident, he made some friends. These friends were unwilling to study hard and usually formed gangs and fought. They are the gangster students in the eyes of many parents."

    Mu Cheng secretly laughed . A sound.

    001 Qidao: "Host, are you still feeling unwell?"

    "What's wrong?"

    "Your reaction is very strange. When I said that his life was going smoothly, you frowned. I said that he had made gangster friends. Are you laughing again?"

    "Nothing, just keep talking."

    "Oh." 001 continued suspiciously, "After meeting these friends, according to the introduction, he met someone outside the school. This person was nicknamed Brother Meng, the social eldest brother, and his subordinate. A group of younger brothers came forward to help deal with some people who had bullied them and gained their trust.

    Brother Meng is loyal, capable, and free and unrestrained. This is exactly what Luo Ran longs for in his heart, and Brother Meng also They were very optimistic about him, and they became familiar with him after going back and forth.

    However, this fierce brother actually approached them with a purpose. He took over the smuggling business. He didn't dare to do it himself, so he wanted these people to do it, and he did it again and again. After gaining their trust, Brother Meng secretly stuffed the smuggled items into Luo Ran's schoolbag and coaxed him to go to the agreed place to trade. He was then caught on the spot by the ambushing police. When

    Luo Ran was caught, he was still confused, and he later realized that he had been deceived. But it was too late. This proud man of heaven had a starting point that others could not reach when he was born. His life that should have been extremely smooth was ruined."

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