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A/N: Platonic yandere. Yes, we're a day behind but I'll try and catch up soon. I'm exausted right now.

You stood inside a hidden servant's passage, watching as the royal ball took place. Out there, sitting proudly on their thrones, was the royal family. Well, most of them anyway but you didn't technically count. You were the king's affair child that he had with a maid. Your birth had caused an uproar in the palace, one you were constantly blamed for.

The head maid had raised you, teaching you to stay out of sight and out of mind. She had some level of pity for you, but not enough to make you feel entirely welcomed here. Now you were about to turn 14, the age when you would've made your debut and joined noble society. 

Instead you were locked away, the secret bastard child of King Peter. You pretended to be unbothered, smiling away the hurt and anger you felt. Eventually you grew tired of watching from within the wall and you stormed off and out of the castle.

The gardens were pretty at night but you ignored them. You headed straight towards the outer wall and climbed up until you reached the top. From up here you could watch the ocean and beach below the cliffs the castle stood on. 

It was a pretty cloudy night and you could barely even see anything. Until a few seconds of moonlight illuminated some specks on the water below. The next time the moon shrank away they were closer. You realized they must be boats, probably merchant ships heading south to the next kingdom over. 

You sat there, watching in glimpses as the ships sailed around the island, out of your sight. Maybe they were heading for the port. Maybe they were heading for the next kingdom north of here. You honestly didn't care too much. Although, thinking about boats reminded you of that really cool shell you'd found down at the beach last time you went there. It had been a while since you'd gone...


The ocean was cool and felt like bliss on your legs as you scanned the beach. You'd snuck away from the head maid, taking the long route to get here. While you did have to go all the way around to the port beach, about a 20 minute walk, before you could climb the rocky outcrops to reach the north beach, it was worth it. 

You'd already found some perfect scallop shells and an iridescent muscle shell. You wandered the beach, constantly checking the sand for anything that caught your eye. It was when you reached down to pick up a sand dollar did you feel a strong arm grab you by the waist and hoist you up.

"Well, well, well. What kind of treasure do we have here?" A deep voice asked. You struggled as hard as you could, dropping your shells in the process.

"Let me go! Help!" You fought hard, but your arms were pinned to your sides and the man was way more built than you. He easily contained you until you'd tired yourself out. It was then he'd turned you around in his arms, holding you bridal style.

The man wore a crown, similar to King Peter's. He was probably a neighboring king, here as an invited guest to the ball last night. Your eyes locked with his brown ones. You both stared at each other before he smirked down at you.

"What is a maid's child doing all the way out here?" He asked. You glared at him in annoyance.

"I'm collecting shells. Put me down." You demanded. You were getting angry now, starting to squirm again.

"Where are your parents, child? You're a long way from the castle." The man asked. He finally put you down after an exceptionally harsh glare from you. You dusted off your clothes before picking up the shells you'd dropped before.

"I don't have parents." You answered, inspecting a razor clam shell. You decided against adding it to your growing collection and headed further down the beach. The man followed after you.

"You're too young to be out here alone. Did you scale the rocks to get here?" The man asked. You nodded, picking up a small spiraled shell and adding it to your pile. "That was very dangerous. If you slipped you would've fallen into the ocean. Do you even know how to swim?" 

"I don't slip. I know how not to." You answered simply. The man hummed for a moment before his eyes lit up, not that you could see with your back turned.

"I know exactly what you need." He said, striding over and picking you up again. This time you held onto your shells as he started carrying you down the beach.

"Hey! I'm not a kid! You can't just pick me up whenever!" You snapped, giving him a dirty look. He just smiled.

"I think, as your new father, I can do anything I want."

"N- new what?!" You shrieked.

"You see, I was planning to take over this kingdom and subjugate everyone in it. My empire could really use some of the resources but King Peter refuses to trade with us over some past issues. But now," the man grinned down at you. "Now not only do I have an heir, but I will also have the resources I need as soon as King Peter realizes my men have infiltrated his private guard. He will surrender and I will have everything I need."

Your mouth was open in horror. This wasn't a guest, but a blatant enemy. Then again... what had King Peter ever done for you? Why did you feel any obligation to stop this? You slowly closed your mouth and shakily swallowed, making a decision.

"I- I can help you get into the palace..." You whispered. The man, your new father, grinned.

"Such a good child. I know you'll be the perfect heir for me. Just obey your father, yes?"

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