Chapter 11: The Oni Community

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Even though these Oni's were glad to not be enslaved like the other Oni's, they'd been made a weapon for war. The guards and warriors of Okemia. They hated their job. You'd think all these stories of Oni's enjoying being a weapon for war and killing all these people would be true. They despise it. If each Oni had the choice to go back to the future and never communicate with these humans ever again, they would. They hated their old king, who'd died to the king of Okemia. The king of Oni's death meant more things than the humans thought. Even with all the Oni's strength and omen, they still made no decisions without a king. They were scared but hid it. Their king's death also meant that they were vulnerable. The king of Okemia killed their king to control the Oni.

Before the Oni could ever take any action, they had to choose a new king. However, no Oni seemed strong, wise and experienced enough to become the next king. A king would stand up for them. A king would tell them what to do. A king would win over their freedom again. A king would support them. They desperately needed their next king.

When word had broken down on the streets, about an Oni escaping Okemia, the Oni's started to have secret meetings. Tonight, the night Kuro had been freed from the king, was the most important night for the Oni. Their most important meeting.

The meeting took place at the Oni tavern where all the male Oni would come to drink. At least all the guards and warrior Oni. Since most of the Oni were slaves and didn't receive much more than a single coin. In the Oni community that they had in this tavern meeting, there were their "leaders". The so-called leaders of the community were the only Oni who tried to make a new king. They put themselves in charge of choosing the next king. It was not a problem for the other Oni since they just wanted a king sooner rather than later.

The leaders and members of the Oni community walked into the tavern. Using all the tables and seats of the tavern, they made a super long table that could seat at least 15 people. There were enough people to choose the next king. The leaders and members all sat at their seats and waited for the most important people in the meeting to walk in. Those important people were none other than Kuro and her husband.

Kuro made sure that her children were fast asleep. She hired the Oni babysitter in the kingdom to watch them sleep just in case something horrible happened.

With that, Kuro and her husband both walked into the tavern and sat at their seats.

The Oni community was ready to start the meeting. Therefore it is commended.

"Do we have any word of the king looking for Akashi?" One of the leaders asked.

"No," Kuro answered.

Multiple Oni sighed with relief. They as well did not want Akashi to be found by the king.

"Now, we have to discuss the pros and cons of this situation."

"We should discuss the cons first."

"Very well then."

"First off, this Oni is unwise for leaving all the Oni in Okemia and selfishly leaving themselves. They should not be the king."

"The Oni can come back with reinforcements."

"What human will help an Oni? On top of that, why would humans want to help us?"

All the Oni thought of this question. It was becoming more and more clear that the Oni should not be king.

"May I speak?" Kuro asked.

"Yes." A leader said.

Kuro stood up to get the attention of all the Oni.

"I know Akashi personally and I'm sure she would do anything to help her kind."

The Oni looked upon each other. It was a mutual, nonverbal, agreement. Kuro did not understand so one of the leaders spoke of this agreement between the Oni leaders.

"We will only see if this Oni will bring reinforcements. If this Oni does indeed bring freedom upon our kind, then the Oni will become king."

Everyone seemed to be satisfied with this answer. The Meeting was at its conclusion and so everyone left to sleep the night. Not knowing what would happen the very next day. 

Word count: 731

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