テン、カラス (10, The Raven)

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Never thought I would be this glad to go home. My hands are still shaking. I can even feel the sweat coming down my hands. No... I've overreacting. By a lot. I let out a breath. That's just some wacko man that doesn't have anything to do with me.

"You're home early." Mom says coming.

"Light, why have you been shaking this whole time. You're not actually afraid are you...?" Ryuk asks.

Shut up.

"Hi Mom. I'm just tired." I say.

"Your father says he'll be home soon." Mom says.

"Okay." I say.

"We're all going out to a special restaurant to celebrate your sister's academic achievement." She says.

"Alright... just tell me." I say walking up to my room.

I open the door to my room. I jump when I see something on my desk. A black bird. A raven. It's right on my desk. The problem is I didn't leave the windows open. It didn't come through the air shaft. How could a bird get in here?

"Well, I thought you left a window open." Ryuk says.

I walk over to it. I see it looking directly at me. My heart freezes. It looks at me like that figure in the camera tape. No. Light, you're overreacting. This is all just a coincidence like how I first picked up the death note. Seriously, how is this possible? It's creepy looking an it keeps cawing at me. It arches forward.

"Light!" My sister yelled coming in.

I turn to her in surprise. 

"Dad's home. Come on let's go." She says.

How is she not bothered by the Raven?

"Huh? It's gone." Ryuk says.

I turn. He's right. The raven is gone. Where did it go? Was I hallucinating? Was it just a dream when I'm wide awake? I don't know. I can't say. 

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