Character Introduction

16 0 0

Tanuri Minase

gender: M

Age: 16 

blood type: AB+

partner: Hagurumon


Ryoka Nagisaki

gender: F

age: 17

blood type: A-

partner: Bearmon


Kazuma Ken

gender: M

age: 15

blood type: B+

partner: Patamon


Haru Akio

gender: M

age: 16

blood type: O+

partner: Muchomon


Kaguya Tsuki

gender: F

age: 17

blood type: O-

partner: Gizamon



gender: M

age: 11

blood type: A+

partner: Luxmon



gender: F

age: 12

blood type: B-

parner: Salamon



gender: F

age: 10

blood type: B+

partner: Lopmon

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2023 ⏰

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