01. The Vanishing Glass and the Letters from No One

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01. The Vanishing Glass and the Letters from No One

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UP! Get up!"

Y/N, still half-asleep, groaned under his breath at the sound of his aunt Maya knocking at his closet door repeatedly so she wouldn't hear it. He really, really did not want to get up today, especially because it was his cousin, Matthew's, birthday today. And he knew how Matthew could get on his birthday.

"Now!" There was the sound of one last smack at the door before Y/N heard Aunt Maya's footsteps heading away from the closet door.

'Why does it have to be Matthew's birthday today? Why today, of all days? I was not mentally prepared for this...'

Then again, was he ever mentally prepared for Matthew's birthdays?

The (H/C)-haired male turned on the light in the closet and ran his fingers through his hair, trying to comb it with his fingers, but it was no use. When his hair wanted to stay messy, it stayed messy. No use in making Aunt Maya even more mad by being late trying to do the impossible.

Suddenly, he heard thudding sounds coming from above the closet. Looking up, he groaned when he realized what it was. 'Matthew...'

"Wake up, cousin! We're going to the zoo! Come on, wake up!"

"All right, all right, I get it!" Y/N called back up at him, though he doubted Matthew could. Or if he did, he just didn't care. Whatever, he supposed. This had been his life for the past ten years. He'd been dumped here when his parents died in a car crash. One of the rules that applied to this household was to ask no stupid questions, and apparently, checking to confirm how his parents had died was a stupid question. His aunt and uncle had threatened to drop him off at the orphanage multiple times ('Please do,' Y/N pleaded mentally every time they did this, 'at least there I would get some peace,'), but they never had.

'C'mon, Y/N, you can do this. Just...go out there.'

Y/N summoned up enough courage to step outside of the cupboard which he called his bedroom...

...only to get pushed back in by Matthew as the latter ran for his parents, who were already in the kitchen.

'Abuse, I say,' Y/N thought to himself as he got up and dusted himself off. He could already hear his aunt and uncle wishing Matthew a happy birthday as he did so. Once he'd finally made himself look presentable (by their standards, anyway), he stepped out of the cupboard again and headed for the kitchen, where Aunt Maya glared at him unpleasantly like he was something that was on the bottom of her expensive heels. "Why don't you just cook the breakfast and try not to burn anything," she said unpleasantly.

"Yes, Aunt Maya," Y/N said in a flat, monotone voice as he went to do so. Inside his mind he was saying all sorts of stuff towards Aunt Maya, Uncle Robert, and Matthew, but he couldn't say them out loud — not unless he wanted to starve for a week. Uncle Robert never hesitated to deal that punishment out whenever Y/N did something neither he or Aunt Maya thought wasn't good enough, so there was no reason why he would hesitate to do so here, either.

𝘏𝘖𝘜𝘚𝘌 𝘙𝘐𝘝𝘈𝘓𝘙𝘐𝘌𝘚; 𝘚𝘓𝘠𝘛𝘏𝘌𝘙𝘐𝘕 𝘏𝘑𝘗Where stories live. Discover now