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Adrian's POV

Sweat dripped down my face as I fought against two burly men, their gruff laughter filling the air. My focus was on taking them down, but suddenly a loud gunshot rang out, making me startle.

My eyes darted towards the source of the sound and froze upon seeing Lucian, his shoulder bleeding and a look of pain etched on his face. "Lucian?" I screamed out in fear, desperately trying to break free from the grip of the two men so I could reach him.

But they held me tight, their rough hands like iron shackles. "I'm fine," Lucian called out, his voice strained with pain but somehow managing to calm me down a little.

Still, my heart raced with worry. Amidst my struggle against the two men, I saw Lucian trying to stop another man who wielded a knife. A wave of anxiety washed over me as I quickly took down one attacker and then the other.

Turning around, my heart shattered at the sight of Lucian's almost lifeless body lying on the ground with a bulky man looming over him, a knife glinting in his hand.

Without hesitation, I rushed to Lucian's side and kicked the man away with all my strength. Falling to my knees, I cradled Lucian's light body in my arms.

"Don't worry, I'm okay," he mumbled weakly, but his words only caused my heart to ache even more fiercely. His eyes were slowly closing and I felt panic rise within me.

"Lucian, don't close your eyes! Stay with me!" I pleaded, tears welling up in my eyes. But it was no use - his eyes had already closed and his body went limp in my arms.

Frantically calling for help, I lifted his body into a bridal carry and carried him outside while struggling to keep my emotions in check.

Why did I feel like I would rather take the bullet for him? Why did I have an overwhelming desire to protect him at all costs? These thoughts raced through my mind as I waited for help, my heart heavy with worry.

My love for him burned stronger than ever before, and all I wanted was for him to wake up and be in my arms once again, safe and sound. I swore to do whatever it takes to protect him and keep him by my side always.

I sat anxiously in the hospital lobby, my eyes glued to the clock as I waited for Lucian's operation to be over. Time seemed to stretch on forever, each minute feeling like an eternity.

My heart was heavy with fear, a feeling I couldn't even begin to put into words. Despite knowing that the injury wasn't serious and he would be fine, I couldn't shake off this gnawing sense of dread. It was a fear, unlike anything I had ever experienced before.

And then finally, after what felt like hours, the doctor emerged from the operating room. He delivered the news that everything had gone well and Lucian would wake up in 5 to 10 minutes, but it did little to calm me.

I just wanted to see his eyes looking at me, to hear his voice and know that he was conscious and okay.

"Can I see him?" I asked the doctor, my voice trembling with emotion.

He nodded calmly. "You can, but he's still unconscious."

"I know, I just need to see him," I pleaded, desperate to be by his side.

The doctor led me to his chamber and my heart skipped a beat when I saw him lying there. A wave of relief washed over me as I took in his slightly bruised face - he truly was a "pretty boy."

Taking a seat next to him, I reached out and gently held his cold hand in mine. As I looked at his slim and elegant fingers, it struck me how much they resembled those of a pianist.

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