unexpected encounter

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- Hands up don't move _ I yell as I point my gun to a boy who looks nothing like a person who sells drugs in schools. He's frightened but more like a surprised.

- What the hell, it's you again? _ I hear a person coming from another door yelling _ and here I thought I had this bastard._ he has a gun pointed toward a door on his left side. What is he up to? 

- None of your business, so back off Adrien, I don't want any misund... _ The door that Adrian was pointing gun bangs open, and a man in his late thirties comes with a child in his hands and has a knife at his throat. 

- Put down your gun _ Adrian has his gun towards the man and I to the boy. But the only good point in this situation is that the man can't see Adrian because he is facing me and Adrian stands at the back entrance. _ What are you looking at? Put the gun on the ground right now, or this child will die in front of you. _ his words made me shiver. I don't want anything to happen to a child. I bent down a little and threw the gun to the ground as far as I could. 

- good boy._ he smirks _ Now Luca ties his hands _ and he commands a boy who looks more frightened.

- Yes sir. _ As he comes towards me, I look at the back entrance where Adrian is supposed to be, but he is nowhere to be seen. did he just leave me here? is he trying to get me killed? maybe he just left to call for help? he cuffs my hands and ties them to something above my head. The man that had the boy by his throat throws the child on the ground and comes towards me.

- Well, well, what do we have here? _ he comes closer to me _ You look tasty _ he licks his dirty lips and sniffs me _ I am currently experiencing a peculiar sensation in my stomach, causing me to feel uneasy. I know I sound dramatic, but what can I do?

- am I? _ I whisper in his ear and kick his balls as strong as I can _ run! _ I yell at the child. He looks puzzled but does as I say.

- you son of a bitch. Luca got the child. _ The frightened boy runs towards the child, but I guess he won't be able to catch him. 

- hands up _ I hear Adrian coming towards us. The man stands up very fast and hides behind me. He places one hand on my belly and the other on my throat with a knife. 

- ahh _ I sigh loudly _ Do you have a kink or something? _ I say calmly to the man behind my back. 

- shut up, you idiot. Put the gun down, or I will slice this beautiful throat. _ he says and presses the knife more.

- don't listen to this creep hiding behind my back. Go on and shoot him. Are you good at aiming, special agent Adrian? _ he looks at me with an unreadable expression, as if he doesn't care if this man slices my throat or not. 

- you know what? It would be so sad to kill you. If we were in a different place. It would be so pleasurable to play with you. _ he whispers in my ear. I can feel his hot breath on my nape. As he tries to slide his other hand into my shirt, my breath hitches as horror surrounds me. With the only thought in my mind to get away from his hold, I stomp at his foot. He winces and falls back. I can feel the sting in my throat. I see Adrian hovering on top of the man and handcuffing him.

- can you think before you do something stupid? _ he yells at me. 

- what did I do? Do you think I had a hold on the situation? Where were you? You could have just shot from the back. _ I tell him as he comes closer to free my hands. He is so tall. It's so hard to breathe when he's so close to me like this. I love that smell of the sea. He carries the refreshing scent of the sea as if it is ingrained in his aura. The mere whiff of his presence evokes images of pristine shores and crashing waves. With each step he takes, one can almost hear the distant call of seagulls and feel the gentle touch of sea breeze.

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