1.) The Debt

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Levi woke up in the master bedroom of his castle within wall Sina, alone, as usual. A lot of the time he has occasional women who he decides to use for the night, whom he sends away after getting what he sent them there for. Most of them fall in love with him and wish in their heart they could marry him and become his queen. Their wishes were always just dreams, though, Levi did not care much about who he slept with nor what they wanted. He was frustrated, only feeling like he needs the pleasure of sex but feeling nothing more emotional than that.

Most of the time he wishes he could feel like sex meant something to him, but it never did. 29 years old and he never felt anything. Was it his mind? Does he think it's something messed up in his brain that he thinks he could never feel any different when it comes to some girl in his bed?Who knew, and who cares. He had a kingdom to run.

He thought he was alone, in fact, most of the time he preferred it, but he turns to see a girl in his bed. Ah, of course. It was the handmaiden who he ran into after an all-nighter of paperwork and research, he was honestly disgusted with himself.

"Why are you still here?" he says, to blonde haired girl who he doesn't remember the name of.

"Sorry... I was just leaving" she responds.

"I thought I told you to leave right afterwards-"

"Sorry, your Grace, I just thought-"

"Thought what?" he snaps, with a more passive tone than usual.

The girl looked at him with fear, as he stared her down and gets up to put his clothes back on and get in the shower. She doesn't say a thing, too petrified to answer. She knew it didn't mean anything, she knew that the King didn't give less of a rat's ass about what she felt. He didn't even look at her as he got dressed. She attempted not to cry as she got up, put on her handmaiden dress and walked out, without a single glance from the man who was just inside her the night before.

Levi took his daily morning shower and got dressed into his fancy clothes, ready to put on a show to those he couldn't give less of a shit about.

"Morning, your Grace!" says the Military Police guards who watch his bedroom door every night.

He doesn't respond. He walks by with his casual stoic expression that engrains everyone's mind every once in a while.

As he walks by people to get toward his office, he sees all of them looking and bowing to him as if he was some sort of God. He wasn't a God, he was just a man. A man who somehow managed to become the King of the life as we know it. As if everyone knows, this is the only life in existence, nobody around him knew if there was life beyond the walls or if this was it. If they were stuck in a nightmare that was impossible to escape.

Levi always dressed professionally and casually, except for when he was in his Scout uniform, he was a clean and professional person anyway. Nobody would ever see him look his worst, nobody would ever see him cry or look like he's been defeated, he refused.

As he walked to his office for his meeting with Commander Nile Dok of the Military Police and Commander Keith Sadis of the Scout Regiment, he runs into one of his closest colleagues, Section Commander Hange Zoe.

"Leviiiiiii!!!" Hange says with passion. She didn't bother to call him 'your Grace' or 'my King' because it didn't matter to her. Whatever she says to him, he wouldn't punish her anyway.

"Huh?" he says without looking at her. "I got somewhere to be."

"With Nile, right?" she responds. He actually looks at her with confusion. Hange shouldn't know about his meetings with commandments she has nothing to do with.

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