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663 23 7

Reader's point of view

I forced my eyes open, startled, I tried to look around but it was so dark! And cramped in here too... Whoever trapped me here I'll sue them for messing with the God of justice!- oh, right, I jumped into a portal...
I sighed, and felt around me, my hands were met with coldness, despite wearing gloves. Was I touching metal?
Then I reached out in front of me, and felt a metallic door of sorts.
I hesitated, before I pushed it open. I stepped out, and looked around.

"Where am I?..."
Then, I saw two unknown figures at the end of the corridor. Building up the courage, I opened my mouth.

"Hey, you two!!"
I yelled as the two figures turned their heads to me. I ran towards them, and eventually stopped right in front of them.

Unknown girl: "Oh, it's another person!"

Unknown boy: "..."

I cleared my throat and spoke up
"Who are you two?"
Raising a brow, I glanced at the girl, then the boy.

Unknown girl: "My name is Kaede akamatsu...."

Unknown boy: "...Shuichi saihara..."

I nodded in acknowledgement, making a mental note of their names, and then got confused.

"Uh. Where are we..?"
I asked with a raised brow.

Shuichi: "All I remember is getting abducted by men with white vans.."

Kaede: "Really? Same!"

Kaede then glanced at me.

Kaede: "What about you... Er..?"

I crossed my arms, right, introductions. They don't seem to recognize me as the God of justice... Have I entered a completely different universe?!

"Furina. You may call me furina."
I say, trying to hold back the urge to order for them to call me "Lady furina" after all, this doesn't seem like Tevyat...

Kaede: "Right! What about you, furina? Did you get abducted by men in white vans too?"
She tilts her head curiously.

I debated whether or not to tell them I jumped into a portal, but I decided to keep it to myself, I'm unfamiliar with my surroundings so it's best to be cautious...
"Yes, actually, I got abducted by the same men in white vans!"
I lied, nodding.

Shuichi: "So then that must mean they're the ones who are responsible for putting us in here... I wonder if there's more people..."

Kaede: "You're right... Why were we placed into lockers anyways?..."

Both kaede and shuichi started to ponder, while I just looked at those box-shaped blue metallic thingys. So THOSE were "lockers"...
Kaede and shuichi's pondering was quickly cut off by loud, heavy footsteps.

All three of us turned our heads to the direction of the sound, just to see...
I wasted no time and immediately started running for my life, a look of fear washed over my face as I didn't dare look back. Shuichi and kaede followed suit.

"What is THAT?!"
I yelled, desperately trying to quicken my pace.



I knew this was a bad idea, I should've never jumped into the portal, now look at my idiotic self!!
Neuvillette, take care of fontaine for me, if I die...


✩.・*:。≻───── ⋆♡⋆ ─────.•*:。✩


🌷 author here!! I finally completed the second chapter, this one is a bit more longer! Like the last time, if possible, please leave a comment about your thoughts! If anyone is OOC, anything is wrong, or if theres any misspellings and wrong grammar please tell me!! Hope you enjoyed the second chapter! Thank you so much for the reads! ❤