Maybe i should try harder| y/n • T.R

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      ⚠️TW⚠️: SH
Based of the song 'prom queen' by beach bunny
     I sat at the Slytherin table picking at my food, not feeling the need to eat any of it. I'm still so sick of what Astoria said to me yesterday, "are you rlly gonna eat all that.. I mean don't u think that's a lot" as she laughs in my face and watches me storm off. I tried to forget about it today, but all I can think about are those words. I was friends with Astoria in the beginning of second year she then gathered other friends who hated me because I was the girl all the Slytherin boys would pay attention to. I get up with not eating anything and go back to my dorm. I quickly change knowing I'm not going to go to any classes today and I sit in my bathroom, crying and wondering why I can't be good enough why am I so fat? I try to not let Astoria get to me but it's hard knowing that your once best friend could say all the negative things you were already insecure about, I got a pair scissors and looked at them for a second. I didn't think twice before slicing deep into my thigh. One turned into two and two turned in to five, five turned into ten, ten turn into fifteen. In that moment, I felt relieved of any pain. I just stare at the scars finally coming back to reality realizing what I had just done I hear a knock on my bathroom door. 'Fuck' I whispered "uh one second." I quickly jolt up and unlock my bathroom door. It's .. Tom.. we are friends been friends since 1st year , but he always acted like he hated me. We never really talked often, but I felt safer around him than any other boy I've been around. "Hi, uh sorry what's up?" I try to say like I haven't been crying for the past 30 minutes. He just stares at me and finally says something "look, I saw you get up and leave and you didn't eat so I brought you food" he looks at me in the eyes and wipes a tear I didn't know was falling "have you been crying?" I stood there in complete shock "I uh no I hav-" I got cut off by him pulling me into a hug. I think I'm dreaming Tom usually doesn't do this. I just completely melt down and cry again as he Carry's  me to my bed and lays me down holding me close "what's wrong darling?" I still don't know what's happening Tom being nice? Tom comforting me? I don't think this is real I think I'm mentally unstable but I just allow him to hold me anyway. He kisses my head and rubs my back till I start to calm down a little bit. "Tom.." I say still having a quiet shaky voice "hm?" I start breathing as I feel the tears coming back but I suppress them to talk to Tom "am I fat? Am I even good enough? Why can't I look like one of the muggle models I mean they're perfect and I'm just useless and worthless and don't deserved to be loved I don't know what to do anymore" I say starting to cry again Tom quickly picks up my chin with his fingers and cold rings "darling, you are beautiful, if anybody has anything to say about you it's because they want to be you. Your not fat Merlin! Don't let Astoria get to you." He wipes a tear from my cheek and rubs my thigh as my thigh jolts "fuck I'm sorry Tom." He knows what it is because I've done it before when Astoria first called me a slut for hanging out with the Slytherin boys I was 14. "Y/n you promised me.." I look in his eyes as I see disappointment and sorrow. "I know Tom I couldn't sit in pain anymore I wanted it to all be gone I'm so sorry Tom" he just stares at me while I start to sob "let me see them" I stop crying by the command he just asked "wha-" .. "Merlin...
Y/n let me see the wounds. Now" I take off my sweat pants revealing the wounds. I just stand there, my legs feel like jello. I sit back on the bed as Tom heals them with a spell. He then looks at me with complete sorrow. "Y/n I will never understand why" I just look at him not knowing what to say. "Maybe if I got prettier people would like me more" as I look away he pushes the hair behind my ears and makes me look at him "y/n you are already stunning darling, you can't become prettier unless u wanna be plastic" he laugh a little making me giggle. "You are so tiny y/n you can't become skinner or slimmer without looking literally dead like the girl I killed last year" I slap his chest and start to giggle but still shocked at what he said "Tom mar 'shit I'm gonna start laughing' vol yep I give up o " I couldn't even say the rest without bursting into laughter. He pulled me close to him and I was about to fall asleep "you know Tom when did u ever have a soft spot" he pushes me off of him yep there's the Tom I know "piss off whore" I start smiling "oh come on being nice wasn't THATT hard now was it" he stares at me with his normal look again like he was gonna murder me any second "I wanted to kill myself every single time I said something 'nice" ... "oh yeah so giving me reassurance made you want to kill yourself. It looked like you cared me at the moment" he pins me down having fire burning in his eyes "your really pushing my fucking buttons y/n" I smile and give pouty face. "I haven't pushed the right one yett" I immediately had this idea to push the button I've been wanting. I kissed him and immediately ran from his grasp I shocked him enough to let me go... now time to run. I ran around the dorm hoping to find somewhere to hide that didn't workout for me I thought I hid somewhere just for Tom to pop up behind me I tried screaming but he covered my mouth. He brought me back up to my room and threw me on the floor. "Ow, fuck you..You missed my bed dumbass" he started to smirk as he literally dragged me and put me in the bed I think he dislocated my arm...just overthinking "I pushed the right button I shall sleep now" He walked over to me and got in my bed as well and pushed me closer to him I wasn't gonna say anything since I'm actually tired and ready to sleep. I wrap my arm around him noticing a bruised handprint on my arm "you fucking bruised my arm you twat" he looked at it "fucking cry about it bitch" I roll my eyes and smirk as he kisses my head and plays with my hair until I fall asleep.
sorry if it's not as good as the others, we have some softy Tom for our delusional brain and then him calling us names.. anyway hope y'all enjoyed it!
Word count: 1258

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